What time is it better to go in for sports?

Often, people who are just starting to train, admit a lot of mistakes in the classroom. And it's not just about choosing exercises and how to do them, but also about when to do sports.

It's no secret that scientists have proved that the effectiveness of training will depend, including on when a person will be engaged. Therefore, it is important to choose the right time for sports exercises.

In what period of the day is it better to go in for sports?

There are two theories about when to practice sports. One of them is based on human biorhythms. This theory states that the best time for training is in the afternoon. According to the research, during this period the risk of injury is minimal, as the body temperature naturally becomes slightly higher than in the morning and in the afternoon. Scientists have proved that from 15:00 to 21:00 the rhythm of cardiac contractions becomes higher, which means that the muscles will respond more intensively to the load.

The second theory says that there is no exact data at what time of the day it is better to go in for sports. It is much more important to train regularly, rather than adjusting to biorhythms. This statement also has the right to life. After all, there are data that suggest that changing the start time does not significantly affect the fat reduction and muscle performance.

Thus, choosing the time for training is better guided by your own well-being, as well as the schedule of work. However, try not to put classes for a period after 21:00, at this time, the concentration of attention is reduced and the risk of injury is increased. The organism in this period is preparing for bed, but not for intensive training.

Is it good to exercise in the morning?

Exercise immediately after sleep can lead to injury, this is shared by both the fans of the first, and followers of the second theory. In the morning, the heart rate is slowed, so an intense load can lead to tachycardia.

If you can allocate only the first half of the day for training , it is worth observing several safety rules. First, you can not go in for sports right after you get out of bed. Secondly, the time interval between breakfast and occupation should be at least 1 hour, and the meal itself should be as light as possible. It is also forbidden to drink coffee less than 2 hours before the session.