Shuttle Running Technique

Every girl wants to have beautiful legs without cellulite and flabby skin. In order to have a really tight figure, you need to master the technique of running a shuttle race. After all, this training will not only help you lose excess pounds, but also make your legs slim and beautiful.

What is the development of the shuttle run?

Of course, above all, such exercises will help tighten the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. The girl, who understood how to run properly and is engaged in shuttle running regularly, will always delight the surrounding people, because her figure will acquire a sexual outline. Also, regular classes of this sport will help develop the vestibular apparatus, strengthen the immune system and saturate the blood with oxygen. In addition, with such training increases the ability to quickly mobilize the body and concentration of attention.

Shuttle Rules

It is worth noting that this type of running is one of the most traumatic. It is necessary to carefully follow the basic rules of training, so as not to harm your own health.

Firstly, the lesson is held only in the afternoon. You can not go in for a shuttle run in the morning, when the body has not yet woken up. Secondly, be sure to spend a little workout. It can be a light jog or a series of leg rises. Also do not forget to stretch. This will prepare the body for subsequent loads.

And, finally, do not run in sneakers or walking sneakers . Shuttle running involves both rapid acceleration and sudden braking. Unreliable footwear can slide or, on the contrary, obstruct movement, which will lead to injury. Also choose the length of the trousers correctly. They should not be too long, otherwise there is a risk of falling, because with a quick run a person can easily step on the leg.

How to practice shuttle racing?

First mark the necessary distance with pegs or lines. It can be from 10 to 100 m. Experts recommend to stop at a mark of 30 m. This is considered the optimal distance.

Running should start from a high rack. The moment in which acceleration occurs depends only on the magnitude of the steps. The more you step, the faster you need to add speed. Having reached the end of the distance, make a sharp turn and run to the place of start. Typically, the lesson lasts no more than 30-35 minutes, during which you should choose the optimal number of repetitions, provided that the segments will run at maximum speed. After that, you need to do stretching exercises. Experts recommend that such training be conducted no more than 2-3 times a week. Otherwise, you can overtrain, which will lead to chronic fatigue and badly affect the state of the cardiovascular system.

Types of shuttle running

As a rule, all the differences that can be distinguished in different subspecies of this training are as follows:

  1. The magnitude of the distance . You can choose the length of the route that is most convenient. But, the more there are sharp turns on the distance, the more will be the load on the muscles. Therefore, beginners are advised to start with an optimal distance of 30 m.
  2. Start position . In the classical version, this run begins with a high rack. But, if you change it to a low start, then the load on the muscles of the thighs and buttocks will be slightly higher.

As you can see, the variety of shuttle runs is not so much. Some athletes even use short-distance running (10 m) as a warm-up. However, you can do this only if the woman has long been involved in sports and is in excellent physical shape. For beginners this variant of warm-up is contraindicated.