Numerology square of Pythagoras

Human life is full of mysteries and one of the main goals of numerology is the desire to disclose them, to look into the future of man, while helping to avoid life's dangers. Numerology has a large number of methods that help to analyze the character of a person and even his name. One such method is Pythagoras Square.

This method is also called the Power Card, it helps to make a characterization of a person, using only his birth date. This method was developed by the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras. It will not be superfluous to note that it was he who combined the mathematical systems of the Egyptians, the Druids with the sciences of human nature.

As you know, every person at birth has his own numerical vibration, which carries information about a person. Using a matrix that is based on the date of birth, you can calculate the character traits that were given to a person from birth. After all, the last in human life is one of the most unchanging facts that remains unchanged in life. Numerology helps not only to disclose the inherited personality traits of everyone, but "Pythagoras Square" determines the compatibility of the partners' characters, talking about the hidden reserves of each person.

In this article, we will examine in more detail what the "Map of Power" is, how numerology helps to learn about the hidden potential of each person, and how to calculate "Pythagoras Square".

Numerology "Pythagoras Square" - calculation

Let's analyze the calculation of the "Force Card" as an example.

For example, your date of birth is July 17, 1992, that is, July 17, 1992.

  1. To begin with, add up the digits of the month and day of your birth: 0 + 7 + 1 + 7 = 15.
  2. Then add the numbers of your birth year: 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 = 21.
  3. The resulting values ​​add up: 15 + 21 = 36. This value is the first working number.
  4. Add the numbers obtained: 3 + 6 = 9. This number is the second working value.
  5. Subtract from the first working value twice the first value of your birthday: 36-17 * 2 = 2 - the second no less important working number.
  6. Add the values ​​of the working value you just received: single value, then leave the value "2".

So, the first row of numbers: 17071992

Second: 3692.

Counting how many exactly which digits in both of these series, we compile a table:

eleven no 4 77
22 no 5 no 8
3 6th 999

Now numerology, your birth date and "Pythagoras Square" will tell you more about your personal qualities.

1. The first meaning characterizes the human will

2. Characteristics of passion, sexuality

3. Man's economic management, its internal warehouse

4. Health

5. Intuition

6. Logic

7. Connection with higher forces

8. Sense of duty

9. Intellectual abilities

So, numerology is able to reveal many secrets of a person's personality, but it is worth remembering that these secrets may not always be pleasant.