666 - number of the beast

Many people associate the number 666 with Satan, but what exactly it means, not everyone knows. For a long time it was a real mystery for Christianity and had a huge amount of explanations. Another name is known - the number of the beast. By the way, in some sources it is possible to find the value of 616, but still, the number 666 is generally accepted. Archaeologists and some scientists believe that during the rewriting there were significant mistakes and that the real number of the beast is 616, but there is no reliable evidence yet. In the Bible, the number 666 is mentioned 4 times, 1 time in the New Testament and 3 times in the Old Testament. In conjunction with the pentagram and an inverted cross, Satanists use it in their rituals and paraphernalia.

Why is the number 666 considered diabolical?

The number is one of the symbols of the Antichrist, which in the Bible is depicted as the beast bearing the Apocalypse. Believers in any guise, in which Satan was manifested, looked for the image of this symbolic number.

In ancient times, numbers were often used to encrypt names, which, given the rules, gave certain combinations. Each letter had its own numerical value, then they were summed up and the number of the name was obtained. Based on this principle, we can assume that the secret of the number 666 is in some kind of concept or name. Many believe that the name of Nero, the emperor, is coded in it, which was distinguished by its cruelty. In Rome coins were issued on which the "Emperor Nero" was written, and the sum of the numerical values ​​of the letters gives in total three sixes.

Fear of the number 666 in the twentieth century

With the total introduction of barcodes and conducting identification of the population, conversations about the magical number of Satan intensified. Christians began to sound the alarm about the spread of globalization and total control over the population. This is exactly what John the Evangelist once predicted. In his writing, it is said that each person will have his own number, which will be entered into a common base. A microchip with this number will be implanted under the skin, and the best places for this are the right arm and forehead, since it is in these places that the body temperature often changes, which is necessary to recharge the microchip. Christians immediately found this information in common with the 13th chapter of Revelation, which reads: " And he will do what everyone - small and great, rich and poor, free and slaves - will be inscribed on their right hand or on their Their foreheads, and that no one can buy or sell, save that one who has this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name . " Panic in society also caused a message that in America a computer was created, which, given its capabilities and power, was called "The Beast". Believers and ordinary inhabitants considered that this was the beginning of the Apocalypse.

Just think that this Arabian number of the beast 666 looks mystical, but in the Greek primary source, when the revelation was written, it looked quite different.

Interesting Facts

Many are literally rotated in order to find a mystical number 666 in each numerical value. A lot of different calculations have been made with all sorts of combinations that helped to draw some conclusions. So the sum of the first 36 numbers equals 666. By the way, exactly so many numbers in roulette. Also, if you combine the squares of the first 7 numbers, you will also get 666. Many believe that the number of the beast 666 symbolizes imperfection and decay.

In China and in other countries 6 is generally a lucky number. Codes of goods around the world differ from each other, but they all have one common value - the number of 666. It is represented by 2 thin parallel lines that are slightly longer than the others and are located at the very beginning, in the middle and at the end. What is interesting is the width of the dollar is 6.66 cm.

Believe in the strength of the number of the beast 666 or not everyone's business, but some facts still make you think about the possibility of making predictions.