Exercise borings

Crossfit is the ideal direction in the sport for people who want to lose weight. Exercise borry is effective due to the fact that it includes several positions, involving different muscle groups. If you execute a program that includes only this exercise, then for a short period of time you can achieve excellent results. For training, you do not need additional equipment, so you can do it anywhere, most importantly, desire.

What does the burbree give?

Due to the variety of poses in one exercise, there is a simultaneous development of strength and breathing.

Benefits of Burr:

  1. The load is received by the muscles of the chest, arms, front deltas, hips and press . Thanks to this, strength develops.
  2. As the whole body tenses, and the exercise is intense, the fat burning process starts. Exercise boron for weight loss allows you to burn 50% more fat than regular strength training. In addition, metabolism is accelerated.
  3. The development of the muscular corset allows you to notice a beautiful muscle relief after a short period of time.
  4. The endurance of the body and organism is developing, which makes it easier to carry other loads.

It is also worth mentioning some contraindications, so it is forbidden to perform borings to people with cardiovascular diseases, as well as those who have problems with joints. If you feel a strong discomfort during training, then you need to stop the activity.

How to do a burr?

To obtain the declared result and minimize the risk of injury, it is necessary to take into account all the details of the technique of execution.

How to do the drill:

  1. Stand up straight, placing your feet on the width of your shoulders - this is the starting position.
  2. Do squats and rest on the floor with your hands. The foot should rest only on the socks.
  3. In the jump, straighten your legs, pulling them back, thereby taking the position of the bar.
  4. The next step is push-up. Go down before the breast touches the floor.
  5. Perform the jump, pulling the legs to your hands, and immediately from this position, make a jump up, raising your arms above your head.

There are several training programs that take into account the degree of development of athletes. Beginners need to perform the maximum amount of burr for two minutes. In general, follow the three approaches, making a break between them for two minutes. Try to do with every training as many reps as possible in two minutes. The next version of the program is suitable for people who do not already see progress from training for beginners or they have a good physical preparation. In this case, you should perform not three, but five approaches with breaks not more than a minute and a half. The duration of the training is the same. The next level is pros. In this case, you need to perform six approaches, lasting three minutes each. Rest between them is not more than a minute.

There are several ways that will not only diversify the workout, but also increase the level of workload. For example, standard push-ups can be done with a wave, that is, when performing push-ups, first lower the upper part and then the buttocks. Exit push-ups in the opposite direction. If possible, you can add to the pull-up exercise, which are performed at the very end after jumping out. Another option of complication - during the final jump try to raise your legs as high as possible to the chest. You can use additional weighting agents that are put on hands and feet.