Exercise for weight loss

The principle of losing weight is simple - to spend more energy than you get. For these purposes, you can simply stop eating, and you will definitely get less than you spend. But will it be great? Another option: start spending more. For this, of course, we need willpower and at least minimal constancy of character. We have in mind physical exercises for weight loss. Including in your slimming program sports, you will definitely begin to spend more than the former, which means that you do not have to declare a hunger strike: it is quite enough simply to "remove" the products that spoil the figure.

The Benefits of Weight Loss Exercises

First, physical exercises are effective for losing weight, at least, because after the morning exercise, your whole day will pass under the aegis of health. This will spread to food (you will be hurt to spoil your subsequent results with a useless bun), and your communication with people, work, personal relationships. After the first workout, you will feel the cleansing.

Secondly, sports discipline, which means that you will manifest, hidden earlier: punctuality, diligence, persistence. Force yourself to be engaged, even when laziness pulls back to bed with all your strength.

What do I need?

To perform a set of physical exercises for weight loss, you will need free half an hour a day. But the important thing is that you have to study every day, otherwise you will quickly be beaten by hand.

In addition, you need comfortable sportswear, and if you are going to aggravate the process of losing weight, you can wear pants with a thermal effect. We also need dumbbells (for a start of 0.5-1 kg), a floor mat, free space (preferably in front of the mirror) and, of course, a program of exercise for weight loss. On the latter and talk further.

Complex of exercises

To lose weight, some exercises on the press will not be enough. But it all depends on your goals. Want to tighten the stomach - do exercises on the press, you want to lose weight - start with an exercise bike and any other cardio loads.

In any case, you need to start with a warm-up and warming up the muscles, then proceed to physical exercises for rapid weight loss of the abdomen.

  1. We lay down on the back, legs straight, arms extended upwards. We lift the leg to 90⁰ and hands to the leg, at the same time tear off the head and the shoulder blades from the floor. We perform the exercise on account 8: we count to 8 - we rise, we count to 8 - we go down. In this case, press the lower back to the floor, the second leg is stretched out like a string. We perform 5 times on both legs.
  2. Repeat the same with only lifting both legs. At the expense of 8 - we lift both legs on 90⁰ and hands, on account 8 - we lower hands and feet. Repeat 5 times.
  3. Now for those who have problems with the lower back. We leave our hands in place, bend our legs and hold them on our socks, press the lower back to the floor. Also, at the expense of 8, we raise the bent legs and reach out to the socks with our fingers. In the final position, the knee touches the nose. At the expense of 8 - go to the IP. Repeat 5 times.
  4. We pull our back: we lie on the floor, hands stretch upward, we pull the fingers of our toes on ourselves. Now we pull our fingers, as in a ballet, we pull the back up, the ribs are torn off the floor.
  5. Now we perform all 3 exercises on account 4: on account 4 we raise our legs and hands, on account 4 we drop.
  6. We perform stretching on the back (exercise 4).
  7. In addition to the right balanced diet
  8. We repeat all the exercises to account 1. When lifting the exhalation, let's down-inhale.

At home or in the hall?

You yourself understand very well that at home it is realistic to lose weight by exercising daily. But here laziness and lack of control comes to the scene. A person begins to feel sorry for himself, to make indulgences: "it was late yesterday to sleep," "no strength, exhausted for a week," etc. The coach will not be sorry for you. Therefore, if you, knowing yourself, feel that the house is unlikely to succeed, go to the gym. In a month or two, when you become a completely different person, training at home will be for you an easy warm-up of the day off.