Rosehips for weight loss - the most effective recipes

There are many different means to get rid of excess weight. Distribution has received numerous folk recipes, for example, effective is considered a dogrose for weight loss. There are a huge number of ways to use it.

How to lose weight with rose hips?

To understand if you can use a medicinal plant to get rid of excess weight, you need to consider what is useful for decoction of the dogrose when losing weight:

  1. Has a diuretic effect, relieving the body of excess fluid, which lead to swelling and the appearance of cellulite.
  2. Fruits replenish the body of the norm of vitamins and minerals.
  3. Finding out if the dog-rose helps to lose weight, it is worth mentioning choleretic properties. With the help of different infusions and other drinks, you can effectively clean the intestines, which will help improve metabolism and digestive system.

Infusion of wild rose for weight loss

Since ancient times, people have used the infusion to treat various diseases, and only after studying the properties of the drink, scientists have found that it helps people lose weight. Due to the fact that berries can not be heat treated, they give the drink the maximum number of useful properties. To prepare the infusion prepare a thermos.



  1. First, suppress the fruits, and then, send all the ingredients presented in the thermos and close the lid.
  2. Duration of infusion - at least 2 hours, but for longer than 12 hours, you should not prepare a drink. It remains to find out how to drink rosehips for weight loss, so the ready-made infusion should be drunk during the day in four divided doses.

Broth of wild rose for weight loss

As an aid to proper nutrition and regular sports loads, the decoction of berries is ideal. Rosehip helps to lose weight due to the fact that the decoction acts as a cleansing enema, removing from the body slag and excess fluid. As a result, the digestive system improves, and metabolic processes are established.



  1. Fruits chop, so that they quickly gave their useful substances. Fill them with water and put them on the stove.
  2. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook for 15 minutes. At the end of the time, remove the wild rose from the heat and leave for 2 hours under the lid. Drink the broth instead of the usual tea.

Tea from rose hips for weight loss

Many people like to drink instead of regular tea a drink prepared on the basis of rose hips. Tea from berries has a pronounced diuretic and mild laxative effect. It is recommended to add to it other vegetable components that enhance the effect of weight loss, for example, ginger, mint and senna. It is important to know how to brew a dog rose for weight loss:



  1. Ginger chop and put into the teapot. Add the hips for weight loss, which you can grind, but it is not necessary.
  2. Put raisins in there and pour all over with water. Close, insulate and insist for two hours.
  3. Drink a drink during the day, lightly heating each serving. You can brew tea in a thermos to keep its temperature.

Syrup of rose hips for weight loss

As an additional means for combating obesity, you can use Holosas rose hips syrup. It has a pronounced choleretic effect and positively affects the digestive system. This means for weight loss with rosehip helps to cleanse the liver and intestines, accelerate metabolism and metabolism of fats. Syrup is recommended for use in a recipe for a healthy drink.



  1. Separately, pour raisins and senu liters of boiling water and insist the drinks for an hour. After this, strain and mix infusions.
  2. Add the sir and mix well. Drink a ready-made drink for 2 hours before a sleep of 0.5 st. Duration of admission is 10 days, and you can repeat the course in six months.