What are the discharges after ovulation?

As is known, in the period of the ovulatory process in the female body, an increase in the volume of secretions is observed. This happens, first of all, because of the change in their consistency. At this time, in appearance, they are very similar to raw egg white.

Change in the nature and consistency of secretions occurs immediately after ovulation. Normally, they thicken and their volume sharply decreases. This happens, primarily, under the influence of the hormone progesterone, the concentration of which in the female body increases in this period. Thus women speak, that allocation after an ovulation became creamy. Also the color changes - they can be creamy, beige and even reddish. Let's consider this feature of the selections in more detail.

What can the discolouration color change in the second half of the cycle?

Slightly expressed, bloody discharge after ovulation may be a consequence of ruptured ripening follicle. In such cases, the girls notice the appearance in the secretions of only disseminations of blood. If a woman like this is observed almost monthly, then it is necessary to exclude possible gynecological disorders, which are accompanied by a similar symptomatology. These include: erosion of the cervix, changes in the hormonal background, neoplasms in the reproductive system.

Yellow discharge after ovulation, as a rule, indicates the presence of infectious diseases in the female body. First of all, it is necessary to note such diseases as chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis. In addition, this can be observed in salpingo-oophoritis, salpingitis.

White, fairly thick discharge after ovulation, accompanied by itching, burning in the vaginal area, can speak of such a violation as candidymycosis.

Watery discharge, noted after ovulation, is also considered a variant of the disorder. If they are accompanied by the appearance of itching, rashes on the mucous membrane of the labia of a woman, then most likely this symptomatology is a manifestation of such a violation as genital herpes.

What discharge is observed after ovulation at the onset of conception?

As in the norm, in this case they become more dense and almost completely disappear. However, on the 6-12th day after the last ovulatory process, so-called implantation bleeding may occur. This is due to the violation of the integrity of the endometrial layer, which embeds the embryo.

Of particular concern to women in the situation should be the bloody discharge observed at short gestational age. This may indicate a threat of pregnancy or spontaneous abortion. In such situations, the woman needs to go to the doctor to establish the cause.

What influences the discharge after ovulation?

Having told about what should be the release after ovulation in the norm it should be noted that some factors can directly affect this phenomenon.

So, first of all, it should be noted that often the discharge from the vagina changes its character as a result of prolonged intake of hormonal drugs, in particular those used for contraceptive purposes.

Some abnormalities can be noted during the period of the menstrual cycle and the decline of reproductive function (menarche, premenopause, menopause ). Doctors necessarily take into account these factors in determining the causes of changes in vaginal discharge.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, the changes in postovulatory secretions are not always indicative of a violation. Therefore, before taking any action, it is necessary to consult a doctor.