Montessori materials

Today, the effectiveness of the methodology of development and education of Montessori children is beyond doubt.

Observing the games of children and their natural development, the well-known scientist and philosopher Maria Montessori created a unique system of raising children, based on the idea of ​​motivating the child to self-development and self-knowledge. Each kid is unique and since his birth he is striving for independence, and the task of adults is to help him to reveal his possibilities. This is the principle of working with children in Montessori schools-the follower schools of the method of the greatest humanist pedagogue. In addition, the educational institutions of this plan use didactic material developed by the creator herself and intended for the development of fine motor skills and sensorics for toddlers.

Didactic material Montessori

The file of games and benefits of Maria Montessori is quite diverse. After all, the teacher devoted her children to teaching her entire life, and by trial and error she selected only the best and most effective exercises, games and materials. She took into account everything to the last detail. The convenience of furniture, the proper organization of the space, the observance of rules and order, the age of the kids - not one small detail was left without her attention.

What can we say about the "gold material Montessori" - games and didactic development materials, which are used by supporters of the methodology to this day. On their basis, modern toys are being created, and mothers-handicrafts are making their own analogies with their own hands. For example, modern puzzles, sorters, developing carpets - all this is the legacy of Maria Montessori. They contribute to the development of personality, help yourself to know the world around you, and also to systematize the skills and knowledge already acquired. By focusing on the development of fine motor skills and sensory, the creator sought to develop the spiritual beginning of the kids, because in her opinion, this is the basis of a full, free and self-sufficient person.

In order to have a clearer understanding of the materials for Montessori classes, let's look at a few examples:

  1. Various bags with filling. As the last, grains, peas, beans, and polystyrene are used. Their task is to develop tactile and visual abilities of children.
  2. Jars with different filling. Develop hearing abilities of the youngest.
  3. Chest with secrets, surely like older children. A simple device in the form of a box with various jars, where each is hidden some surprise (for example, a small toy), will teach the baby to open and close the container, and help to develop the hands.
  4. Plastic "hungry" toys with a hole in the mouth. Of course, the little one will not refuse to help the "friend", and will gladly feed him with small beads or peas. Such an exercise trains an eye, a hand, attention and patience.
  5. Finger paints - a brilliant invention, are very popular with many children. Well, drawing itself is indisputably an exciting and useful activity for children of all age categories.
  6. The cut pictures are a kind of mini-puzzles.
  7. Items of a certain group that differ in color, shape or size. For example, before the child lay three Christmas trees and give mixed mugs: red, blue and yellow. The task of the baby is to decorate every Christmas tree with mugs of a certain color.
  8. Frames-inserts. Created by the type of a simple designer, more often wooden, they train optical-spatial thinking, fine motor skills and coordination. There are various inserts with images of animals, cartoon characters, vegetables and fruits, geometric figures.
  9. The pink tower. Familiarize the kids with the concepts of "big" and "small", "less", more.