Diet on the pumpkin for losing weight

Pumpkin - a vegetable habitual for the inhabitants of the Slavic countries and from time immemorial included in the diet of their ancestors. Today he was forgotten a little, but in vain, because pumpkin is a source of vitamins A , E, C, group B, as well as mineral constituents - zinc, iron, calcium. It contains acids, as well as very rare vitamin T and is very useful for the figure: it accelerates metabolism and participates in the burning of fatty deposits.

Diet on the pumpkin for an early weight loss

Many are wondering whether it is possible to eat pumpkin on a diet, because this is a pretty sweet vegetable. Not only it is possible, but also it is necessary, after all its caloric content makes only 28 Kcal. Pumpkin can be included in the composition of vitamin salads, cook on its basis puree soups, boil porridge, make puddings and casseroles. Diet on the pumpkin can bring you closer to the dream of a slim figure, but also normalize sleep, reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, improve eyesight and minimize the risk of malignant tumors.

Choosing a diet on pumpkin, you can eat defatted meat and fish, vegetables, fruits, sour milk. Try to limit the consumption of sugar and salt, baking. Completely eliminate fast food , fried, spicy food. It is necessary to drink a lot of pumpkin juice, unsweetened green tea and mineral water. The last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime. If you adhere to these recommendations, you can get rid of 4 to 8 kg in 1-2 weeks of such a power system, while clearing the body and improving the complexion, remove excess fluid. If you combine this system of nutrition with exercise, then the effect can exceed all expectations.

With caution, you need to sit on a diet with people with gastrointestinal diseases. Especially it concerns those who have a sick liver. To old people and children, pregnant and lactating women, it is contraindicated. In the diet, you can actively include pumpkin seeds, especially men.