Herniated cervical spine - treatment

Intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine is diagnosed on the basis of clinical symptoms and instrumental diagnostic methods, among which the leading place is occupied by MRI - magnetic resonance imaging. Treatment of hernia of cervical vertebrae is prescribed in accordance with the stage of the disease, the causes of its origin, the localization of the hernia, the age of the patient and the concomitant pathologies.

Methods of treatment of cervical hernia without surgery

The main goals of non-surgical treatment of hernia of the cervical spine are:

Conservative methods include the following:

1. The protective regime, rest, in some cases - wearing a special soft corset.

2. Reception of various medicinal preparations in tablet or injection form:

3. With a severe pain syndrome, novocain blockades of the strangulated segment of the spine with the addition of corticosteroid hormones can be used that can relieve painful muscle spasm, reduce inflammation and swelling.

4. Enzyme therapy with enzyme preparations - to dissolve the intervertebral hernia (the volume of hernial protrusion can be reduced by 50%). These drugs are administered by electrophoresis or ultrasound through the skin.

5. Acupuncture - allows you to eliminate muscle spasm and relieve pain.

6. Hirudotherapy - this method can improve blood circulation and metabolism in the area of ​​damage, as well as partially reduce the hernia volume.

After removing the acute process, the following treatment methods are used:

Surgical treatment of the cervical hernia of the spine

Surgical treatment of intervertebral hernias of the cervical department is indicated in those cases when:

  1. A positive result of conservative treatment is not achieved after six months after the initiation of therapy.
  2. There is a progression of muscle weakness along the course of the nerve root, despite the treatment.
  3. There is a sequestered hernia of the vertebral disc (a fragment of the cartilaginous tissue has come off the hernia).
  4. A persistent effect of treatment is not achieved (the patient's condition improves or worsens).
  5. Constantly there is a pronounced pain syndrome.

Several types of surgical interventions are used for this disease. The traditional method is a discectomy, involving the removal of the disc and the formation of a fixed construction of two adjacent vertebrae. However, such an operation has several disadvantages, one of which is damage to the muscle tissue.

Recently, microsurgical methods of treatment have become very popular, among them microdiscectomy. Such an operation is performed with a headlamp or with an operating microscope. A small incision is made (up to 4 cm), which accelerates the healing and recovery of the patient.

Other minimally invasive methods include endoscopic removal of the hernia, laser puncture, vaporization of the nucleus of the affected intervertebral disc.