Vegan food

Veganism is the most severe kind of vegetarianism when all products of animal origin are banned. Many people think that it is impossible to cook something delicious without using meat, but in fact vegan food can compete with a piece of roasted meat . In addition, giving preference to healthy foods, you can significantly improve your health and get rid of excess weight.

Useful vegan products

Many are mistaken, believing that vegans eat only "grass", because the list of allowed food is quite extensive.

List of vegan products:

  1. Avocado . This fruit must necessarily be on the menu, because it contains many polyunsaturated fats, necessary for a person who refused animal fats. In addition, the avocado contains a lot of protein, vitamins and minerals.
  2. Flaxseed oil . For frying, this oil is not suitable, but it can be added to salads. It is useful because of the presence of fatty acids Omega-3, 6 and 9. Daily rate - 1 tbsp. spoon a day.
  3. Sea kale . This product contains a large amount of iodine, as well as other useful substances. You can also use nori to make vegan rolls.
  4. Cheese tofu . This product is made from soy, which gives it more protein. Cheese can be used for different dishes, for example, salads and sandwiches. From the soy is also prepared meat, which can complement the second dish.
  5. Whole-grain flour . From it prepare bread, pasta and various pastries. Such food is an excellent source of energy, as well as a lot of fiber , which improves the digestive system.
  6. Cereals . They contain many complex carbohydrates that give saturation, and also contain many useful substances. Cereals are used not only for porridge, but also for preparing various dishes, for example, cutlets.