Stridor in newborns

Stridor is not a disease, it's just a symptom. In simple terms, stridor is noisy breathing in children. Normally, we breathe without making any sounds, but if sighing, squeaking, wheezing or grunting is heard on a sigh or exhalation, the doctors say that this is a stridor.

The causes of the stridor

  1. There is an innate stridor of the larynx, it is caused by the softness of the cartilage of the larynx or an innate feature, consisting in a narrow lumen of the nasal passages. With increasing age, the cartilaginous skeleton is strengthened, and the cavities expand and the stridor passes by itself.
  2. Another reason for the appearance of a stridor in a baby can be weakness of the vocal muscles. This, combined with a narrow guttural lumen, gives a whistling sound when breathing. It also goes with age.
  3. Imperfection of the nervous system, too, can cause noise during breathing. The fact is that the nerve nodes responsible for breathing, instead of relaxing the muscles of the larynx on inspiration, lead them into a tonus. From which the voice gap closes, and accordingly the air passes through it with a whistle. If a child has a tremor of limbs and a chin, then he needs a neurologist.
  4. Stridor may occur due to an increase in the thyroid or thymus gland, which squeezes the still not strengthened larynx. Its increase occurs with a deficiency of iodine. This is quite an alarming fact, so do not leave it unattended. Your child should be shown to the endocrinologist and neurologist. Children with an enlarged thyroid gland more often and longer suffer from colds, are prone to diathesis and excess weight. It is treated with iodine therapy.

Is it necessary to heal the stridor?

Stridor does not need any treatment, unless it is prescribed by a doctor. The most important thing is to keep a cool temperature in the children's room, and make sure that the air is clean and moist. To do this, ventilate the room more often and carry out a wet cleaning. The stridor syndrome usually disappears by the year itself. To this time, you just have to calm down and wait.

Also, you should remember that mucus, accumulating and especially drying out in the upper respiratory tract, can dramatically strengthen the stridor and lead to a false rump, and this disease is already more serious. To avoid this, carry out the prevention of colds. Temper the baby, do exercises and massage. It would be nice to sign up for a general strengthening for swimming. Do not forget to walk every day. And be healthy!