Jaundice in newborns - causes

Even while in the ward of the maternity ward, a young mother may notice that the skin of her crumbs acquires a yellowish tinge. The medical staff at the same time does not give any signs of anxiety, explaining what is happening with a short phrase "baby jelly." What it is? Why does the jelly appear in newborns? What kind of danger does it represent to the health of babies?

Causes of icterus

Postpartum jaundice in newborns is called a condition that is characterized by a sharp increase in the blood of babies at the level of bilirubin . Because of this pigmented substance, formed as a result of the breakdown of red blood cells, the skin of the child in which it is concentrated acquires a yellowish hue. Infantile jaundice in newborns can manifest itself slightly, coloring the skin in a barely noticeable lemon color, and strongly. In the latter case, the skin of the crumbs becomes bright orange. In addition, the same color and proteins of eyeballs are colored.

So why do newborns have jaundice? The fact is that the production of bilirubin begins with the first days of life. However, in adults, the pigment is immediately "attacked" and processed by special enzymes of the liver, taking it out. But in babies bilirubin is produced by the body in abundance, and the liver can not cope with it. The cause of jaundice in newborns is understandable, because in the womb the fetus was "stocked up" with red blood cells due to the lack of oxygen, and at the time of birth, the corpuscles dissolved, releasing a large amount of pigment. If we add to this the functional immaturity of the tiny liver, then the question of why the neonatal jaundice appears should not be.

Types of jaundice

All described above refers to this kind of jaundice, as physiological , which happens only in newborn children. Skin pigmentation lasts about two to three weeks, and then disappears. If the baby was born prematurely, the jaundice may last longer for one to two weeks. It is not necessary to doubt whether jaundice is dangerous in newborns. The physiological form is absolutely harmless for crumbs, treatment is not required. To speed up the excretion of bilirubin can be breastfeeding, because the enzymes contained in human milk, on the original feces (meconium) act like a laxative, namely with feces the pigment and is excreted.

But not always mother's milk is a salvation. In very rare cases, this is the cause of "late" jaundice. Provoke her estrogens. If there is a suggestion that the jaundice is associated with breastfeeding, then for a day or two it should be stopped. Thus, it is possible to confirm or deny the alleged diagnosis. To deprive the child of milk is not necessary, it is enough to express and pasteurize it for five minutes in a water bath.

If the physiological jaundice in newborns is prolonged, it is necessary to connect phototherapy, that is, treatment with light waves. Due to this effect, bilirubin begins to split and output faster. Usually, several sessions are enough.

But there is a so-called pathological jaundice. It is provoked by congenital infections, hemolytic disease, small hemorrhages, diabetes mellitus in a nursing mother, premature birth, taking antibiotics. Such jaundice can not be allowed to go by itself, because the prolonged exposure to bilirubin on the central nervous system shows health negatively. The pathological form is treated with the same photolamps, and in the absence of results, infusion therapy and even blood transfusion are connected. Sometimes a children's hospital can not be avoided. But do not worry about it. Usually for 96 hours doctors solve this problem successfully.