Feng Shui wish card

The wish card for Feng Shui has already helped many people. After its compilation, most people mark improvement in life. Let's try to figure out what kind of map it is and how it works.

Collage of desires for Feng Shui

The Feng Shui treasure map is a collage of your future achievements. If you want to achieve certain successes or fulfill your mission, the map will help you tune in to a certain frequency. It is necessary to take a Whatman paper and divide it into six parts.

  1. The first part symbolizes wealth, so you can paste there pictures with money, decorations and everything related to tangible things.
  2. The next zone is responsible for recognition and fame. In this area you can put pictures that will depict your success. Next, it follows the love where the pictures of happy loving couples or intertwined hands are pasted. If you have already met "soul mate", you can paste your photo together.
  3. The next zone is a family where images are stitched that best match your ideas about the family. In the health sector, you need to paste your photo, which radiates joy, beauty, health, vitality and happiness.
  4. In the sector of creativity and children, you can paste your favorite pastimes and enjoy your time. The zone of wisdom is responsible for learning and obtaining certain skills. You can find a picture of a happy person who has received the necessary knowledge and was able to apply them in life.
  5. The career zone is responsible for your development in the relevant industry, so you should put a picture of your happy image there.
  6. The last zone is responsible for travel and assistants. You can put pictures there with your favorite countries and people or saints who can help you in a difficult moment.

Such a collage of desires for feng shui will help you tune into pleasant changes and will push you to do the necessary things.

Image matching

Images feng shui should be selected slowly. You should pay attention to your sensations arising during viewing. Let these pictures be bright, positive and light. If you want, you can draw the pictures yourself. A prerequisite for feng shui technology is to draw a map on the growing moon.

The Feng Shui map is designed so that you can work on it daily. Look at the pictures and imbued with these feelings of happiness, harmony and beauty. Behave as if you already got everything that is depicted on the map. At the same time, you should not just think that you have certain skills or things, but feel that way. The collage of Feng Shui differs from the visualization board in that it is broken down into certain sectors. When drawing a visualization board, you simply place the pictures as you like.

Feng Shui wishes

They work best in the bedroom. Thus, you can see the pictures immediately after awakening or before going to bed. If you are shy of relatives or guests, it is better to hide the card, but do not forget to look at it daily.

The right feng shui will help you to fulfill your desires faster and fill your heart with happiness. The methodology is designed in such a way that you can harmoniously develop in all life spheres. If your desires have changed, just replace the pictures, but it's better to think through the list carefully and in advance.

A good feng shui is when you do it yourself. Of course, you can simply download pictures to your computer and periodically browse through them, but by gluing on their Whatman, you invest more energy and intent. It is very important not only to look at the pictures, but also to do the appropriate actions that will lead you to the intended. Drawing a map, you attract favorable energy, which will help you to think positively and easily to cope with difficulties.