Human energy channels

In humans, there are three energy channels that connect all the chakras and small energy channels of the body to each other - sushumna (central channel), pingala (right channel) and ida (left channel).

The median path is the second name of the central channel. His activities take place without the efforts of man, occurs spontaneously. Filling the lungs with air, heartbeat, transfer of oxygen by the circulatory system, the emergence of thoughts are actions of our body that are beyond our control, Sushumna answers for it.

The left channel stores the past of the person. The subconscious mind draws images and information from the left channel. In addition, he is responsible for emotions and nourishes the nervous system with the energy of our desire. Without desire, people would be inactive, it is this which motivates humanity.

The right channel records all the information, all the person's thoughts about the future. Then, a signal of action, energy comes to the nervous system. And this energy is the mental and physical activity.

How to clean energy channels?

Cleaning energy channels and restoring energy is a rather complicated procedure, which in ordinary life happens at random. Of course, the first condition is to achieve unity and integrity with the world and with oneself, to comprehend harmony. But especially to conduct cleaning of energy channels may not be desirable for the body and is fraught with consequences. Simply, a person can turn into a "zombie". Therefore, you should spend it only with the Teacher. Correct execution of it leads to the controllability of this process. The energy-information flow that comes from space passes into the body, and in the triangular expansion of the tailbone it spins into the spiral through the spinal cord. According to the eastern traditions, the energy accumulated in this way is called Kundalini. It is from her that the name of one of the directions of yoga-kundalini has gone. This energy is able to "go up" and includes an informative character based on the level of a person's spiritual growth. Such energy remembers all the stages of a person's spiritual growth, his life stages and changes and grows in the process together with him. Strive for unity with your soul and calmness, and fortunately.

How to open energy channels and meridians?

To begin with, stay alone. Take care that no one disturbs you. Now comes a very important time. If you have candles, it is better to light them. You can use incense and aromatic oils. Take a comfortable pose and relax. Let your body become, like, weightless, you rest. Close your eyes, imagine that you just got an answer and now you know how to open the energy channel. Think about the fact that you are in another world, in another dimension, there is no real reality - you are free. You let go of your breath, the body takes care of its rhythm. You think about something else.

Look inside and you see the light that comes from the tips of your toes, moves up and gradually fills the body with yourself. You are watching this inner gaze. The light has dissolved you and your attention is one. Stay in this state, how much to get, but do not delay it specially. When there is a pleasant sense of peace, then you are ready to return to our world. You will feel it. How to close the energy channel? You take a slow but deep breath and open your eyes. It's so simple.

The generic energy channel is a very strong connection between relatives, uniting the tree of the genus. This energy is very strong and powerful. No wonder they say that after the death of a member of the family, a connection with the native person is felt!