Human biofield

Despite the fact that skeptics still do not believe that there is something more than the material world, the presence of a biofield is a long-established scientific fact. The more equal and more biofield - the happier, more energetic and healthier a person is. Today, many offer the services of correction of the biofield, but it is difficult to distinguish charlatans in this business from the professionals.

How to see the biofield?

There is even a special device - a biosensor that can capture a person's biofield. It was thanks to him that an answer was found to the question of how to find out his biofield or how to determine a person's biofield.

However, many people consistently develop their abilities and know how to test their biofield. For this, there are various practices and trainings that are available to all comers.

Biofield is an invisible force

The strength of the biofield is to protect the person. Thanks to it, it is inside the energy egg, which covers it from the top of the head to the hips. The biofield can be of different sizes, and it depends on health: the average person has a biofield with a radius of not more than a meter.

Biofield is directly related to the life force of a person. Scientists from St. Petersburg found that in the case of natural death, the biofield of a person fades out gradually and completely. But if a person has committed suicide, was killed or had an accident, in the biofield for a long time there are outbreaks of activity.

Biofield is also found in humans, in animals, and in plants. In man, it is the strongest. It is interesting, but low-energy biofields can absorb negative from biofields with high energy. This explains the ability of cats to "treat", as well as the facts that a person who has suffered a stroke quickly departs from the disease if he has animals at home.

How to restore a person's biofield?

Today, protecting the biofield is a very pressing problem. We ourselves, without hesitation, cripple him with smoking, alcohol, computers, telephones, drugs and a host of other negative influences. Almost any biofield requires treatment because of the excessive "computerization" of our lives. And the evil eye, envy, resentment, hatred - all this and at all leads him to a weakened state. Biofield also suffers from the emotions experienced by a person, and from those that are directed at him. It is believed that the most good-natured, mild-mannered people, less often than others, face the problems of biofield ruptures, since active, light energy prevails in them.

In general, the biofield is a universal indicator of mental and physical health. And first there is a rupture of the biofield, and then - an organ disease.

To date, from all types of damage to the biofield, the best means is the old good meditation. Its methodology is quite simple:

  1. Take a comfortable position, relax, breathe deeply and calmly.
  2. Free your head from thoughts. To do this, you can imagine how the golden ray enters your head.
  3. Breathe slowly and imagine that every exhalation is the next step to the restoration of the biofield. It inflates like a balloon, it becomes bright, smooth and beautiful. Count 40-50 of these expirations - that's enough.
  4. Without changing the position, perform self-massage of the point on the forehead above the bridge of the nose, then at the wings of the nose, later on the chin, at the temples, and at the end - in the behind-the-back cavities.
  5. After that, slowly massage the ears themselves for 1-2 minutes.

After these simple steps, you will surely feel a surge of strength, as if you had a good rest. This meditation is especially good at the end of a difficult working day, after a quarrel, with illnesses, chronic fatigue, after stress.