What is karma and how to clean it?

The thirst for justice makes one believe in the inevitability of an answer to every action. In part this can explain what karma is, but the concept itself is much broader. It came from Hinduism, a system of philosophical and religious explanations of the world order, so for understanding it is necessary to go beyond the framework of standard representations.

What is the karma of a person?

In the Hindu tradition, life is seen as a series of continuous incarnations through which the karmic connection passes. No step remains without consequences. To better understand what karma is, consider its different types.

  1. Sanchita. It consists of already committed actions.
  2. Prarabdha. Incidents that are destined to happen in the current incarnation. It is a consequence of past deeds.
  3. Kriyaman. The possible outcome of current activities, implies relative freedom from the past and the possibility of choice.
  4. Agama. It consists of plans for the future.

Karma in Buddhism

In the Vedic tradition, what is karma was explained by the relationship between cause and effect, which implies the influence of individual actions of a person on his continued existence. Buddhism borrowed this concept and expanded it, giving importance to any influence, and not just ritual. Everything has its meaning: actions, words and thoughts. Karma and destiny in Buddhism are not synonymous. The first word in translation from Sanskrit means "action", that is, it is not something predetermined from above.

How do we earn karma?

The common expression "plus to karma" has a completely logical explanation, during life there is a real chance to improve one's position or make it worse. Understanding what human karma is, eliminates questions about the inequality of origin. Buddhism explains this by a combination of actions in past incarnations. It determines everything: from the country of appearance to the physical parameters and talents. Deeds committed in the new life lead to the next incarnation. This cycle is called the wheel of samsara .

The goal of a person is development to a special state - enlightenment, which releases from a continuous series of incarnations. To achieve it, you need to accumulate positive energy. Buddhists believe that one life is not enough for this, therefore, one must constantly make a reasonable choice toward positive influences. Important awareness, positive actions, performed only because of the inability to act otherwise, will not bring the necessary energy.

Laws of karma

The easiest way to understand what the law of karma is, will be to fans of physics. Here, too, the inverse effect rule applies: the information sent to the world will return. The problem is that a person does not remember his previous incarnations and does not know what he is paying for in current life. Therefore, the pursuit of Enlightenment is the main goal. All this is described by four laws:

Karmic debt

Not always the sum of the actions of a past life gives a positive result, in this case they say that bad karma prevents a person from developing. It can be overcome, but only by coming to the realization of one's own responsibility in everything that happens. Not every action is predetermined, but only key points, so with the help of hard work there is an opportunity to improve the situation. If the degree of negative actions is too high, then the development of karmic debts will take more than one incarnation.

Karmic relationship

Each interaction with other beings creates a connection that goes through all incarnations. The more intimate the communication, the stronger this thread. Karmic relations between a man and a woman are a demonstration of such a peg. It is believed that with its sufficient strength, people in each incarnation will look for each other. Karma of loneliness can be explained by the inability to meet such a connected person in the present incarnation or the negative energy earned in a past life.

The connections that are formed do not always have a positive color, the threads connecting the enemy and the victim are particularly strong. And until the conflict is resolved, such individuals will be attracted to each revival. It happens that karmic opponents meet within the same family, it can be the closest relatives. The more serious the conflict, the closer the relationship between its participants.

Karmic marriage

Identify a partner who came from a past life, you can by the amazing ease of communication at the beginning of dating. Such an attitude goes into every incarnation, so that a person understands the existing contradictions. Karmic connection between a woman and a woman is also possible, sex is not a constant. Former lovers can come to the next life in the same sex bodies because of the wrong actions of the previous incarnation.

Karmic causes of disease

Occurrence of some diseases is difficult to explain from the point of view of science, in this case Christians perceive them as a test sent by the creator. Another explanation is karmic diseases. This means that a person is not a toy in the hands of the higher forces, but he pays for his own deeds committed in the past and this life. Also influenced by karma genus - a set of family activities for several generations. It will help to better understand the karmic diseases and their causes the table below.




Feeling of weakness, neglect of one's own abilities.


Bad principles and beliefs.


Feelings of vulnerability, desire for protection, high anxiety.


Unreasonable anger and vexation.

Caries, pulpitis, other dental problems

Unwillingness to take responsibility for one's life.

Gastritis, ulcer

Fear of the future, stinginess, envy.

Bronchitis and other lung diseases

Sedation, dependence on the opinions of others, a desire to please everyone.

Colitis, enterocolitis, other diseases of the colon

Internal stagnation, avoidance of any events, fear of strong experiences, excessive conservatism.

Pathologies of the small intestine

Lack of initiative, desire to obey the will of others.

Diabetes mellitus, endocrine disorders, pancreatic diseases

Tenderness, excessive power, the desire to control any small thing.

Cystitis; Infections and other diseases of the genitourinary system

Suspension in the intimate sphere, prejudice, observance of prohibitions on sexual relations.

Infarcts, tachycardia, hypertension, hypotension, other cardiovascular pathologies

Lack of joy, fear of manifestations of positive emotions and love for another person.

Nephritis, kidney stone disease, other kidney pathologies

Negative attitude towards others, a desire to change everything, fear of strong emotions.

Gallstone disease, DZHVP, other bile duct diseases

An old grudge, an inability to forgive.

Pain in the chest

Fear of love and intimacy.

Mental and CNS disorders

Movement against the laws of the universe, the unwillingness to work on their mistakes, the actions are "spite".

Hepatitis, cirrhosis, other liver pathologies

Cruelty and anger, betrayed for good deeds. Misunderstanding of the evil and resentment of the response.

Malignant tumors

Strong anger, frustration, fear and helplessness.

How do you know your karma?

In each new incarnation a person comes without knowledge of the past life. You can get information about it when you achieve Enlightenment or with the help of other people who have already reached this stage. Diagnosis of karma can not be carried out remotely or through mathematical calculations, general laws do not work here, a deep assessment of the situation of each individual person is required. Therefore, it is recommended not to hurry to discover past incarnations, but to go through self-development, on which they will gradually begin to manifest themselves.

How to improve karma?

The advent of a new life with negative luggage gives rise to the need to work it out in a new incarnation. The way how to fix karma , only one - bringing to the world exceptionally positive vibrations. If in this life does not come to fix its shortcomings, then the next reincarnation will be even more difficult. Each lesson will have to learn, run away from the lecture and bribe the examiner will not work.

Karmic ransom

Sometimes the healing of karma takes on bizarre forms: people begin to bless their ill-wishers, become childishly naive, show respect to parents who were considered unworthy of this role. This is due to the understanding that any suffering is well-deserved, so you can get rid of it only by profound study of your own shortcomings. Family problems can talk about unresolved problems with parents, and they can be solved by sacrificing pride, that is, buying off.

How to clean karma?

No shaman and magician can clean karma, because this expression is fundamentally wrong. Eliminate past events is impossible, and the future depends only on the person himself, so the desire to purify looks absurd.

  1. To improve our present existence and lay a good foundation for the next incarnation is possible, but it is done by prolonged self-contemplation and rethinking of one's life.
  2. There is little recognition of one's own mistakes, it is necessary to take actions that will help them avoid in the future.