Slavic mantras

Mantras since ancient times were used by enlightened persons, who with their help turned to inner vibration. It is believed that any sound is associated with a specific area of ​​the body and brain. Mantra is a system of correspondence, a way of adjusting the body to the desired mode. Each sequence of sounds has its own effect, and we'll look at some of them.

The Slavic mantras of agma are very special sayings, pronunciations which lead to a special physical or mental effect. They consist, as a rule, of 1-3 words, which are special keys that can produce the necessary effect. It is worth recalling that the Slavic mantras should be pronounced no less than 70 times.

So, the list of important Slavic mantras:

  1. Rode-for-radoured. Joy for the sake of joy, awareness of the happiness of human existence - this is what the mantra carries in itself. It must be pronounced at dawn.
  2. The Raduga. The power to maintain family ties, protect loved ones, maintain the spirit.
  3. Urra. Mantra, which gives tremendous power, allowing you to gain knowledge and expand your horizons. Thanks to her, it is easy to control the will.
  4. Veer. Mantra, which allows you to feel prosperity, get rid of repeated mistakes, change the present and at the same time - the future.
  5. Radoro. This is the mantra of justice, which restores ties, gives each one whatsoever, and participates in the formation of destiny.
  6. Daro. Protects from conflict situations, balances physical and spiritual, helps to defeat evil, brings good luck.
  7. Hron. This - a kind of point at the end of a series of failures, allowing to overcome and obstacles of fate, and someone else's fortune.
  8. At night, the Silouam. Mantra, capable of showing the true face of the night, invoking her goddess.
  9. Do not give it to Danya. Mantra, whose pronunciation calls the forces of the day, reveal its essence, make it better.
  10. Mila vedogon mil. Mantra, thanks to which you can realize yourself in a dream. It is necessary to have access to the most remote corners of your subconscious . To gain this power, sing it when you fall asleep.
  11. Ra-m-ha. This mantra is necessary in order to invite the light of the main god of the Ingles. This mantra is important to sing the top of the head, the seventh chakra. Rahma is the name of God, and by analogy you can sing the names of other gods.
For many mantras it is recommended to use 77 pronunciations. This sacred number helps to deeper influence the subconscious.