Oatmeal is a benefit and harm

People who dream of losing weight sometimes include this product in their diet. But is it worth it? Let's find out the opinion of experts about the benefits and harms of oatmeal, and whether it is worth eating.

What is useful oatmeal?

This product contains dietary fiber, so if you regularly eat it, you can reduce your appetite , which means losing weight. But this is not all the useful properties of oatmeal. Porridge, cooked from this product contains a lot of vitamins, among which there is a group of B, and D, and C. Therefore, just one serving of such porridge a day can saturate the body with substances and microelements that are necessary for the normal functioning of all systems and organs. During the strict diet, there is a shortage of vitamins, so oatmeal for weight loss is almost an "ideal product", it does not contain a large number of calories (120 kcal per 100 grams), but it helps to fill the deficiency of nutrients.

A dish of fiber does not contain protein, so it is recommended to use it for those who suffer from kidney failure. It is an indispensable element of a therapeutic diet in this disease.

We extract the maximum benefit from oatmeal

To make a dish from this product the most useful, you need to properly prepare it. Experts recommend to cook it on the water to get a hot nourishing porridge, which will "envelop" the walls of the stomach, and therefore prevent the onset or development of gastritis.

Add sugar in the dish is not worth it, it's better to replace it with natural honey. To give a more original taste to the dish, you can apply other ingredients, for example, pieces of fruit or nuts, by the way, this will increase the amount of vitamins in it.