Fried sunflower seeds - benefit and harm

How often in your childhood did you hear from your parents that many seeds are harmful, because, how can you have problems with appendicitis or that it's generally improper to click on people in public? Of course, in everything there is a second side of the coin, which should be talked about. So, it is necessary to understand in more detail whether fried seeds for "rodents" are of use or, nevertheless, they cause more harm.

Unquestionable benefit

  1. Fried sunflower seeds, both pumpkin and sunflower, are a storehouse of minerals and vitamins useful to the body. So, they contain vitamin A, which positively affects the skin condition, while also improving vision. Vitamin D promotes rapid absorption of calcium, which ensures the strength of your bones. Thanks to vitamin E, you are immune from the appearance of hateful first wrinkles. Moreover, the likelihood of a heart attack decreases. It is worth noting that in these seeds there is vitamin B, which takes care of the hormones "joy" in your body, while it eliminates rashes on the skin.
  2. As for other useful substances contained in seeds, they include: magnesium (strengthens the heart muscle and nervous system, normalizing blood pressure) and zinc, which cares about the healthy color of the face, the condition of the hair, strong nails.
  3. It is known that seeds improve appetite.
  4. They are an excellent tool to help accelerate wound healing.
  5. The use of low-fried sunflower seeds is also in the fact that they contain a considerable amount of unsaturated fatty acids necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

What is harmful fried seeds?

  1. It is not recommended they get carried away if you care about your figure. Thus, 100 g of this product accounts for about 500 kcal.
  2. Everyone knows the fact that when roasting something is lost most of it useful substances. This also applies to fried sunflower seeds, the harm of which is that if they are left over in a frying pan, no useful substances can be mentioned.
  3. From constant consumption, tooth enamel is destroyed. From this people are not insured even with healthy teeth. Often on the teeth of inveterate "rodents" may appear black spots, indicating the presence of dental calculus.
  4. On the question of whether fried sunflower seeds are harmful, you can answer - yes, if you value your own vocal cords, like the apple of your eye. After frequent consumption of fried delicacies, there are difficulties with singing high notes.