Useful properties of persimmons and contraindications

Few people know that in the world there are about 500 kinds of persimmons. It is endowed with various vitamins and antioxidants, due to which the mood rises and the working capacity increases. A fruit has a number of useful properties, but it can negatively affect the body of some people. In this article, we will discuss the useful properties of persimmons and contraindications.

Useful properties of persimmons

  1. Persimmon is very dietary, so it can quickly satisfy your hunger and not add extra calories. It contributes to the restoration of impaired digestion and the recovery of diseases of the stomach and intestines, normalizes the function of the excretory organs. It was also found that there is a benefit of persimmon for the liver.
  2. It acts well as a diuretic. It includes glucose and sucrose. These elements support the cardiovascular system. As part of the fruit, there are vitamins P and C, which strengthen the blood vessels, so it is recommended to take people with bleeding gums and varicose veins.
  3. The persimmon contains iron, which is very useful for anemia. It is for this reason that the fruit was taken in ancient times with anemia, exhaustion and other inflammations. The composition also includes magnesium, which reduces the risk of kidney stones and vitamin A - useful for poor vision.
  4. Persimmon prevents the development of hypertensive diseases and has a beneficial effect on blood pressure. It contains iodine in its pulp, thereby reducing the risk of thyroid disease. She has another very useful property - with external application quickly heals burns.
  5. It was proved that the introduction of persimmon into your diet reduces the risk of lung cancer. Included in beta-carotene positively affects the respiratory system, therefore, reduces the risk of bronchitis and pneumonia.
  6. Persimmon will help get rid of colds at the initial stage - just need to rinse the throat with warm juice.
  7. Many micronutrients and vitamins that make up persimmons help to cope with avitaminosis. Persimmon is very useful for the skin. From its pulp, you can make a mask that narrows the pores and protonizes the skin of the face.

Contraindications persimmon

Despite many useful properties, a persimmon has contraindications. Many people are interested in who can not eat persimmon. So, people with extra pounds are more preferable to refrain from persimmons or eat it with great care. It contains substances that disrupt the metabolism.

Healthy people are not at risk (unless you consume persimmon every day). Persimmon is harmful and with diabetes - it contains a large amount of sucrose.

If a person has problems with the intestines, persimmon is better not to eat. Even a small amount can lead to serious problems. Also, fruit is not recommended for children under three years of age, since tannins in the composition, when interacting with gastric juice form a dangerous mixture. As a result, clumps are formed, which the children's body absorbs with great difficulty.

It is important to remember one more rule: the harm of persimmon is seen with simultaneous consumption with milk.

If a person has a certain sensitivity to iodine, it is better to refrain from delicacies. Otherwise, allergies may occur in the form of tears, itching, redness, difficult breathing, dizziness and swelling.

It is worth noting that some people are allergic to persimmons. This means that the body does not tolerate any of the components contained in it.

Nursing mothers should also not consume this fruit.

Now you know what a persimmon is harmful. Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that it is a very useful fruit, if not to abuse it. Knowing the useful and harmful properties of persimmons, you will protect yourself from possible problems.