Sprinkler for watering the garden

In addition to hoses and pumps for watering the garden, it is recommended to use water sprinklers. In the horticultural stores there is a large selection of this equipment, each kind of which is not only different in appearance, but also has a different purpose. That is why it is very important to make the right choice, otherwise you can damage your plantings.

Principle of operation and purpose of water sprinklers

It is very easy to use sprinklers. It is enough to put it on the opposite end of the water hose, set it in the direction you need and turn on the feed. Watering of plants occurs from above not by a stream, but by separate drops. That is why they are also called sprayers or sprinklers.

Use water spray is recommended for watering lawns, flower beds or other plants close to each other.

What are water sprinklers?

At the location of sprinklers are:

According to the principle of work they are divided into:

Let us consider in more detail how each of these species works.

The fan sprinkler breaks the jet into droplets, which fan out around its axis. It does not have movable parts, therefore the radius of irrigation is small, maximum 5 m. Typically, several nozzles are used to adjust the droplet size, direction and range of watering.

The pendulum sprinkler is a tube with holes, mounted on a tripod, which swings in different directions during irrigation. Therefore covers a large area (up to 350 m & sup2) in the form of a rectangle.

Dynamic sprinkler looks like a static, but has a movable head that directs jets of water in different directions, increasing the irrigation area several times.

The peculiarity of the impulse sprinkler for irrigation lies in the fact that it supplies water with separate jets. They can change the frequency and range of water supply.

Any of the listed species can be made in the form of a flower or other plant that will allow it to be used not only as a device for watering, but also for decorating your site.

How to choose a sprinkler for watering the garden?

It is almost impossible to say which sprinkler is best for watering your garden, not knowing what is growing on it and where you are supplied with water.

Thus, for watering lawns and lawns with grass, it is recommended to take static sprinklers. In the event that it is often used better by underground models. Also suitable for this purpose are pendulum, which can be installed even if you have a weak delivery head water.

For irrigation of trees, bushes and even beds with plantings, dynamic sprinklers should be installed. Thanks to the moving head, they irrigate well plants, without causing a compaction of the upper soil layer.

Impulsive sprinklers can be taken for irrigation of different sites. This model is the most economical, but it can be installed only where there is a strong head of water.

Water sprinkler is easy to make by hand. To do this, you can use an ordinary plastic bottle, in which it is necessary to make small holes, and an iron pipe 50-60 cm high. An improvised sprayer is put on a hose tied to a vertical tube. The design is ready, you can turn on the water and water the planting.