A flower bed of tires by own hands

It has long been very popular to use secondary materials for the construction of its site: tires, bottles, old utensils or household items. This allows you to save your own money and take care of the cleanliness of the surrounding nature. In this article we will tell you how to make your own hands an interesting bed made of tires.

Useful tips - how to make a flowerbed from a tire

When creating crafts from tires, remember:

  1. Since inside the rubber, from which the tires are made, there is a wire, then in order to cut it, you have to take the metal scissors. You can also use electric jigsaw or grinder. The easiest way is to give different manipulations to imported winter tires.
  2. If you cut the tire with a knife, then, to make it easier to work and the tip is not quickly dull, it is necessary to constantly wet the blade in a soap solution or the rubber itself with liquid soap.
  3. Before you paint the blank obtained from the tire, it must be washed with a detergent, then wiped with a solvent and only then can paint be applied. For these purposes it is best to use weatherproof types, and then it is still necessary to fix a couple of layers of varnish.
  4. If you make a pendant flower bed out of the tire, then a few holes should be drilled in the lower part of the tire to avoid waterlogging the soil and decaying the roots of the flowers planted in them. This will allow the excess water to flow after watering.
  5. If you need to unscrew the tire inside out, you first have to bend it in half. After that it will be easier to turn it.

There are many options for how to make flower beds from tires. Most often, a cascade, a pyramid, a detached vase or an animal are used. The first two types are very simple, they do not need to be cut out to create them, and the second ones, on the contrary, are complex, to perform them you need a certain skill in making figures from this material.

If you want to decorate your garden with an unusual flowerbed, then you can make it in the form of a tea cup or teapot, and how to do it, you will now find out.

Master-class on making flower beds from tires in the form of a cup

You will need:

  1. 3 wheels of different sizes: from waggon, from GAZON and from a car (13 size).
  2. Tools: hacksaw for metal, mounting, sharp knife, screwdriver.
  3. Self-tapping screws.
  4. Brushes, foam sponge, stencil and paint: red and white.
  5. Plastic pipe up to 4 cm in diameter.
  6. Soap solution.
  7. Solvent.


  1. From the largest wheel we cut off the upper side. In this case, it is necessary to take into account that such a wheel with a metal cord, so it must be cut with a metal hacksaw. To facilitate cutting, it is necessary to raise the upper edge with a mounting (or thick stick). This part will be used as a support for the future design.
  2. The same is done with the smallest wheel of 13 size. In this case, you can cut with a sharp knife. After that, turn the cropped wheel protector inward. This will be the bottom of our future cup.
  3. From the middle wheel we cut both sides, so that the diameter of the workpiece does not exceed the bottom part.
  4. Mine all the details, wipe the solvent, and then we paint the outer sides with red paint.
  5. We collect the necessary structure from individual parts and connect them with screws.
  6. We bend the plastic pipe in the form of a handle (the eyelet) of the cup and attach it to the main structure. If there is no pipe, this part can be made from the remaining pieces of rubber.
  7. Using a stencil with white paint, apply a pattern with a sponge, as well as paint the pen and draw the strips on the stand.
  8. We put our flower bed in the chosen place, we put a piece of polyethylene on the ground, fill it with soil and plant flowers.

As you can see, our mk for making flower beds from tires in the form of a cup is not at all complicated, which means that anyone who wishes can realize this project.