Colon-shaped plum

More and more gardeners prefer the colonial trees , including the plum, although it appeared in this form much later than the apple or pear tree. What is the beauty of such trees, because of which people completely uproot the old plantations, replacing them with new, more promising ones? Let's find out whether such a plum is so good and worth it to buy.

What is a column-shaped sink?

This type of sink, which appeared several decades ago, has an extremely narrow crown - only about 80 cm in circumference at the top. That is, as such, there are no crowns and spreading branches near the tree, there are branches called spearmen. This saves a lot on small household plots, when you want to plant as many plants as possible, but because of the thick crowns of trees this can not be done. In height, the trees also do not grow too much, reaching 2-2.5 meters in adulthood. But behind all this height and small twigs can hold a huge harvest for such a miniature - up to 16 kg and more. Often, even an adult sprawling tree can not boast of such fertility.

How to plant a column-shaped sink?

The only drawback of these unique trees is that they can not survive the harsh winters, that is, their frost resistance is relatively low. It is for this reason that it is recommended to start planting trees only in the spring. The earlier the tree is planted, the better it will take. But the autumn planting of a column plum is not at all desirable, because even with shelter there is a big risk of plant death in the winter.

The seedlings require a pit two times larger than the root system itself, because under it should lay a layer of fertile soil mixed with fertilizer. This is enough for the first time for active growth and rooting. By the way, it is desirable to choose seedlings not older than one year, as more adults will take longer to settle down in a new place. Fertilize the trees three times during the summer with a solution of urea.

Care of the column plum

This tree is very susceptible to good watering and regular top dressing. The primer should be thoroughly moistened at least once a week in the dry season, and then loosen the near-stump circle. The gardener, who became the owner of the column plum, should know how to form its crown in order to get a tree of the right shape.

As such pruning, well known to gardeners, a column-shaped sink is not required. Only when a number of shoots begin to form in the place of the frozen top for replacement, they are cut out, leaving one. In addition, plums are cut into annual shoots for use as a scion on other trees.

Which variety to choose?

Varieties of column-shaped plums are not too diverse, but their fruits always have excellent taste and large size, which you will not see in ordinary tall trees. Almost all of them are used both for conservation (compotes, jams, jams) and for consumption in pure form. In addition, from soft and juicy fruits comes out an excellent plum tincture.

Yellow columned plum

One of the most popular varieties of yellow is Mirabel. This bright yellow semi-transparent, glowing inside of the plum has a delicious aroma and taste. From it prepare brandy and the famous French pie Lorraine. But you should know that the bone from the pulp is separated badly.

Pink plum

Fruits with a sweet taste, weighing about 55 grams - is the sink "Imperial". This variety is unusually fruitful and from a small plot the gardener can collect fruits not only for own consumption, but also for sale. The plum ripens in August and does not fall for a long time. In addition, this variety is very wintery and has a low probability of being affected by various diseases.

Purple plum

The largest fruits give a column-shaped plum "Blue Svit", they have a mass of about 75 grams. The fruits of these two-meter trees are so heavy that the plum has to tie and prop up before harvesting. Plums themselves are different in compotes, jams and jams, but to use them in fresh form is a pleasure.