Butterfly fish

Butterfly fish - a fish with the original name, inhabiting both in sea water, and in fresh water and aquariums. Depending on the habitat, it has different colors and body shape. Its unusual name for the fish received because of the bright colors and large fins, reminiscent of wings.

Description of species of fish-butterflies

Sea fish-butterfly - a small, but very bright fish, living in wildlife. In the natural environment of these fish can be found between coral reefs, where their beauty is highlighted by the rays of the sun and clear water. Butterfly fish are considered to be one of the brightest species on Earth, and they deserve their name. By structure, marine butterfly fish are characterized by a flattened body and a long dorsal fin.

Freshwater fish is found most often in standing water, is distributed on the African continent and is inferior in color to its marine counterparts. Freshwater fish-butterfly got its name because of the wide fins, which resemble butterfly wings. In addition, this kind of fish knows how to fly small distances over the water. Such skills distinguish butterflies from other inhabitants of reservoirs.

Pennant fish is also found in wildlife among reefs and deep channels. Adult individuals lead a paired lifestyle, while young people prefer to live alone. Pennant fish has an original color. Its flattened tall body is colored in white and black stripes, and the rear fin is yellow.

Aquarium fish-butterfly - it is often freshwater fish. Its body resembles the shape of a boat and reaches a length of 10 cm. The color of aquarium fish does not differ in brightness, they usually have gray, gray-green or brown hues.

Aquarium fish-butterfly has the same jumping as its marine counterparts. That is why it is recommended to keep the aquarium closed.

Contents of butterfly fish

Butterfly fish does not like to live with individuals of a different species. Small fish can be perceived by butterfly fish as food, and with large fish it can engage in fights for the territory. Do not submerge those fishes that bite the fins of others, since there will be nothing left of the fins of the wings. As neighbors for the butterfly species suitable for the bottom (for example, catfish) are suitable.

Aquarium fish-butterflies are demanding for the volume of the aquarium. Usually it is 80-100 liter aquarium for several individuals. Ideally, if one fish lives in a 40-liter volume. The aquarium should be tightly closed with a glass lid without slits so that the fish can not jump out of the water and cut itself.

Butterfly fish like warm water, the temperature in the aquarium should reach + 25-30 C. As for plants, the fish need broad-leaved species. The water level should be low, then the fish will feel calm and spend most of the time between the thickets of plants.

Water should be changed every week by 15-20%, while ensuring a good filtration of the aquarium. The soil for the butterfly fish is not critical, since it practically does not drop to the bottom.

Feeding is an important process in keeping fish-moths. In nature, she prefers to pick up insects from the surface of the water, so she does not pay attention to the food on the bottom. Too small food is also not suitable for feeding. You can use a large feed flakes, and also add to the diet grasshoppers, flies, cockroaches.

In aquariums with sea water also contain pennant fishes of butterflies. These species are distinguished by a brighter coloration. For example, in a marine aquarium lemon fish-butterfly of bright yellow color can settle.