The causes of allergies, which are important to everyone

The hypersensitivity of the organism to stimuli was first discovered in 1906. To date, allergies are the most common disease, with more than 85% of the world's population suffering from its symptoms. While there is no effective treatment of this pathology, one can only prevent its recurrence if one knows exactly the causes of the exacerbation.

How does the allergy develop?

The main role in the appearance of signs of the disease in question is immunity. The mechanism of allergy development can be divided into 2 stages:

  1. Formation of protective complexes. When an irritant enters the body for the first time, the immunity of a person prone to allergies perceives even the most harmless substances, like antigens. The protective system produces immunoglobulins IgE - proteins designed to eliminate "invaders". They combine with mast cells (mastocytes) and basophils, acting as support. These "coalitions" circulate in the blood and settle in different organs (nose, lungs, stomach, skin and others).
  2. Pathological reaction. The true causes of allergies are the activation of protective complexes. If the body re-contacts with substances that triggered the production of IgE, mast cells and basophils will signal this immunity, highlighting a specific chemical compound - histamine. It provokes an immediate response in the form of characteristic clinical manifestations: the expansion of capillaries, smooth muscle spasms, thickening of the blood, edema and inflammation.

Causes of allergies

To cause a pathological reaction of the defense system to stimuli can be a huge number of external and internal factors. It is almost impossible to establish the exact reasons for a specific case, because there are different types of allergens, each of which is given a specific type of IgE protein. Sometimes one person has hypersensitivity to several antigens, and the reaction to them occurs simultaneously.

The main types of allergy in adults:

Additional factors causing a pathological immune response:

Sun Allergy - Causes

The described form of the disease is called photosensitization. Each person has an individual allergy to the sun - acne, spots, swelling, thickening of the skin and other symptoms may accompany the indicated problem. Ultraviolet radiation itself is not an irritant. The reason for such an allergy is the presence in the body of photoreactive agents or photosensitizers - special substances that provoke pathological reactions of immunity under the influence of the sun. They are often found in people with Celtic skin type, who are sick with Gunter syndrome and pellagra.

Sometimes photosensitizers penetrate the body from the outside. They are contained in the following products and substances:

Allergy to cats - reasons

In this situation, immunity is perceived by the protein as an antigen. It is found in wool, urine, saliva, skin particles and feces of cats, so any contact with pets causes an instant reaction of the protective system. In especially susceptible people, allergies to animals of all kinds are observed, some patients are hypersensitive only to specific breeds or one particular individual. Often the disease progresses, and a person who does not tolerate contact with cats, subsequently begins to react similarly to dogs, rabbits, horses and other fauna.

Food allergies - the causes of

Many people suffer from hypersensitivity to certain foods or their components. This condition is considered a true allergy, only if the pathological symptoms are immune response and IgE secretion, it is extremely rare, about 2% of the world's population. In other cases, simply intolerance to a particular meal is diagnosed.

It is established that the disease under consideration is often of a genetic nature, but all causes of food allergy have not yet been clarified. Any product can provoke signs of hypersensitivity, the strongest stimuli contain:

Causes of a drug allergy

The main factor that causes an inadequate immune response to pharmacological agents is a long and regular contact with them. Allergy to medicines is found mainly in health workers with a long history. The risk group includes pharmacists, especially if they are involved in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products. Other causes of allergy to medicines:

The main antigens in the presented case are:

Causes of pollen allergy

It is not known exactly why some people are susceptible to pollinosis and react to a particular flower. There is a theory that the causes of seasonal allergies lie in the genetic predisposition. The most dangerous are wind-pollinated plants and weeds, they release high concentrations of irritants that are transported over long distances:

Allergy to dust - causes

The causative agent of the immune response described refers to multicomponent stimuli. Allergic reaction to dust in residential premises arises from the presence of the following components in it:

Some people suffer from the symptoms of the disease only at work. In such cases, the causes of allergies are found in the ingredients of "professional" dust:

Cold Allergy - Causes

The low temperature itself is not an antigen, it acts as an external factor that promotes the activation of protective complexes. It is not yet established why immunity inadequately reacts to frost, increased humidity and wind. There are many presumed conditions in which cold allergy recurs, the causes of which are:

Causes of skin allergy

There are several options for the manifestation of a dermal protective immune response:

Any kind of stimulus can provoke the appearance of spots, blisters and rashes. Common causes of allergy on the skin of the face, limbs and trunk:

Causes of allergic rhinitis

Runny nose, itching and swelling of the nasal sinuses, sneezing are characteristic signs of a pathological immune reaction. The main causes of allergic rhinitis in adults are household and building dust. If the symptomatology is seasonal (relapse in spring and summer), the disease is more likely to provoke a plant flower. Other possible causes of allergy with rhinitis:

Causes of allergic bronchitis

The mechanism of the appearance of a specific dry cough in the described disease consists in irritation of the nerve endings located in the lungs and bronchi. This causes the expansion of blood vessels and spasms of nearby muscles, which causes allergic asthma. It refers to chronic pathologies with recurrent relapses. While it was not possible to develop an effective treatment that provides full recovery.

Causes of asthmatic allergies:

Allergic conjunctivitis - causes

Another characteristic clinical sign of the disease under consideration is inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes. Photophobia, itching and lacrimation with allergies quickly progresses, flowing into purulent conjunctivitis. The main causes of this pathology:

Psychological causes of allergies

Official medicine does not confirm the relationship between the emotional state of a person and his immune responses. Allergy and psychosomatics in adults are in close dependence only in the opinion of esotericists. It is believed that the inadequate response of the defense system is provoked by the internal rejection of a person or situation. For example, a pedant can experience fits of pathology in contact with dust, and vegan - with animal protein. A qualified specialist in such cases will not confirm the disease in question, he will be diagnosed with "pseudoallergia".