Gymnasium Niches

Today, the Japanese gymnastics Nishi is popular, because it allows not only to solve individual problems of the body, but also to bring to normal all the body systems. Japanese Katsudzo Nishi gymnastics did not develop separately - she is included in a set of six rules of health, which he derived. The first two rules are a hard bed and a firm pillow, while the steel four are exercises. By the way, they are recommended to be performed in the nude to facilitate the release of toxins, moreover, regularly - in the morning and in the evening.

Gymnastics for the spine Niches: Exercise Goldfish

Doing this exercise will save you from problems with the nervous system and intestines, improves blood circulation and posture, and also promotes spine health:

Gymnastics on the Nishi system is simple and does not take much time, and if you have a hard bed, then you can perform such an exercise right there.

Nishi Wellness: Exercise for capillaries

Niches are sure - vibration improves the work of capillaries. That is why an integral part of the complex is the exercise of such a plan:

A scientist from Japan believes that this exercise is necessary even for those who are bedridden. Its use replaces walking and running, but eliminates the burden on the joints.

This exercise is recommended to be performed 2 times a day by absolutely everyone, including bedridden patients, weakened elderly people, as well as suffering from any heart disease. Exercise for capillaries completely replaces jogging, but at the same time excludes the burden on the heart and joints.

Gymnastics of the niche: Closing of the feet and palms

To restore the functions of the spine, this exercise is necessary:

The complex also includes exercises for the back and abdomen. You can clearly see the performance in a video.