Eclampsia in cats

Unfortunately, very often such a joyous event as childbirth is often accompanied by complications for the nursing mother. Sometimes they have impaired metabolism and calcium levels, which is a serious disorder that can lead to serious and unpleasant consequences. This phenomenon is called postpartum eclampsia in cats. If you want your pet to suffer this difficult period in her life normally and without complications, then you must know the symptoms of this disease and how it can be prevented.

Symptoms of eclampsia in cats

Try to closely monitor the behavior of a fluffy mom in the postpartum period. Any anxiety, excessive nervousness, shortness of breath or a change in behavior should cause you anxiety. Sometimes a cat can strangely bend, take unnatural poses, hide itself in secluded places and drag their kids there. In the most severe cases, seizures begin which can lead to fever , fever, unconsciousness and convulsions. It happens that in such a state the cat can eat its offspring. Seizures can be different in duration. In some animals, they last for several hours, and for other animals - about a day. Without veterinary assistance, the animal is capable of dying, and so if you notice signs of eclampsia in your cat, take immediate action.

Treatment of eclampsia in cats

The cause of this condition is the leaching of calcium from the body. To build a fetus and lactation, this important element is needed, and if there is a lack of it, then it leaves the bones of the mother. Vitamin-mineral supplements, rational feeding, and in severe cases of injection can help. But you should also know that an overabundance of calcium is also harmful. This requires a very cautious approach. With preventive purposes intramuscularly appoint 1.5 ml of calcium gluconate several days before delivery, and then according to a certain scheme. But in the treatment it is already necessary to increase the dose to 2.5 ml of this drug, which is injected into the hind femora. The daily total dose, consisting of several injections made over 3-4 hours, should not exceed 10 ml. Only timely professional help with eclampsia in cats can save your animal life.