Mustard in socks with a cold in the child

Since ancient times, our ancestors in the treatment of a cold in a child, used a powder of mustard, poured into socks. Our grandmothers did not suspect that this method refers to reflexology, but only saw a remarkable result from this method.

What happens from contact of the skin with mustard?

Dry mustard, poured into children's socks, causes irritation of many active acupuncture points located on the feet. They in turn are responsible for all body systems, including respiratory organs.

Mustard causes a slight skin irritation, because it contains active essential oils. The surface of the foot heats up, and in it metabolic processes are activated, leading to a decrease in the common cold.

Can I pour mustard in my baby's socks?

Not everyone knows that even such seemingly innocuous people's method also has its contra-indications. You can pour mustard in the toes of a child from the cold, which does not have temperature, various irritations and leg injuries that do not suffer from allergies . In addition, toddlers for up to a year this procedure is prohibited because of a possible inadequate response of the body.

When can I put mustard in my toes?

The effectiveness of the method is not always the same. For example, if the mother only suspected the onset of the disease, then in the first day you can use mustard. In some cases, you can even prevent the development of the disease further.

After this time, the temperature rises most often and mustard is not used, but when about 5 days have passed since the onset of the disease, mustard procedures should begin for a speedy recovery.

How to pour mustard in baby socks?

Since the procedure with dry mustard for effectiveness should last at least 6 hours, it is advisable to wear such socks for the night. Before you dress them, you should make sure that the baby does not have temperature and his legs are dry. For a better effect, you can soak your feet in warm water before.

The amount of mustard in the baby's socks depends on the size of the foot. A child after a year and up to three will have enough of one teaspoon, and adult children will need a tablespoon. After pouring powder into the middle of the cotton sock, it should be shaken, put on the leg, and warmed with a woolen or terry toe cap.