Osip voice in the child - than to treat?

The reasons for the hoarseness of the child's voice are many. It can be laryngitis, tracheitis, asthma, acute respiratory viral infection, or banal overstrain of the vocal cords due to screaming. In any case, as soon as the parents notice that the child has difficulty with the voice, you should immediately contact a doctor-otolaryngologist, because together with hoarseness, breathing difficulties are possible. Especially dangerous is the condition in children of the first year of life.

When parents do not know how to treat a child, if he has a hoarse voice, and what to do in this situation, the important thing is to keep the baby warm, give only warm drinks and food, because everything cold can only exacerbate the situation. All sharp, salty and acidic dishes should be excluded from the diet for the time of treatment until they are fully recovered.

Treatment of hoarse voice in a child

Any medicine, the doctor appoints, especially when it comes to an antibiotic. But numerous folk methods can be used on their own, if the child does not have allergies to ingredients for rinsing and inhalation. Still our grandmothers knew how to treat the hoarse voice of a child at home, and to this day these methods have not lost their relevance.

The most effective method for treating hoarse voice - all kinds of rinses. They are necessary for moistening the neck and removing the swelling, which narrows the voice gap and then there is a change in the voice.

All kinds of alkaline rinses with the addition of soda, as well as a decoction of anti-inflammatory herbs: sage, chamomile, oak bark, calendula, you need to do every two hours with warm water.

It is good to give a child to drink warm broths from herbs, raspberry tea and milk with a small amount of soda, mineral water Borjomi. Of drugs that can be used without doctor's appointment, use Lugol with glycerin. They lubricate the inflamed tonsils. Replace this solution with a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar, which is diluted in a ratio of 3: 1.

Remarkably help with the husky voice of the child steam inhalation. With care, the baby is kept above a saucepan with hot water, which is added with soda or a tincture of eucalyptus. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes and all the time the child's head needs to be covered with a towel.

For children older than five years, the use of warming alcohol compresses on the neck is allowed. For this, alcohol is diluted with warm water, moistened with a napkin solution, and covered with a layer of cotton wool, and then with a woolen shawl.

It is important to remember that the child must observe voice rest, that is, no screaming and raising the voice, whispers are also undesirable. Mom will have to make a lot of effort and attention, so that the baby spoke as little as possible.