Ascaris in children

Ascaridosis is a common disease among children, most often affecting infants. An unpleasant feature of it, among other things, is the fact that ascarids in children are almost impossible to diagnose in a timely manner. About them, parents and doctors become aware already in the presence of more serious complications. However, do not think that the situation is a dead end. If parents are aware of what symptoms are said about the presence of ascarids in children, then treatment will be more successful.

Symptoms of ascaris in children

When ascaris (worm) enters the child's body, it goes through certain stages of development. During migration, the larvae appear in the lungs and provoke a microcirculation. The child at this time can begin to cough, wheeze appear. In most cases, there is no increase in temperature, and expectorant sputum is not spotted. Parents are beginning to actively treat the child from colds or ARI, so the symptoms of ascaris in children are lubricated.

Another factor that should not be left without attention is the occurrence of an allergic reaction. Even after all the measures aimed at treating ascarids in children, these manifestations of allergies, unfortunately, will not pass. During the next, intestinal, stage, ascarids or worms in children cause eating disorders. Children suffer from constipation, nausea, diarrhea, bloating, pain. Also, the signs of ascaris in children are weight loss, decreased immunity, beriberi, squeaks at night, sleep disturbances. In the blood of a child infected with these parasites, an increased content of eosinophils is found, and hemoglobin is lowered.

In the case when the amount of ascarids in the small intestine is off scale, there is an intestinal obstruction. The child suffers severe pain, vomiting, which does not stop. If medical care is not provided on time, thin intestinal walls may not survive, leading to peritonitis. Justified in the bile ducts ascarids - the cause of their blockage, as well as jaundice. Worms, reaching the appendix, cause inflammation. And worms, contained in the vomit, can cause choking.

Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of ascaridosis

Before treating ascarids in children, it is necessary to establish a precise diagnosis. For this purpose, feces are analyzed for the presence of ascaris eggs. But in order to pass this analysis, parents should note that something is wrong with the child. Whatever the causes of ascarids in children are, it's impossible for parents to cope with their inference. Herbal preparations, phytopreparations - this is just an addition to the main medicamental treatment. In addition to the drugs with which parasites are excreted, physicians usually prescribe anti-allergy drugs, medicines to improve intestinal motility, and to normalize microflora. If ascariasis is diagnosed in an infant, the mother should extend the natural feeding for another two to three months. Inflamed airways of the child will have to be treated with antibiotics and immunosuppressive therapy.

To avoid future troubles such as ascaridosis, parents should monitor the hygiene of the child. Children should always wash their hands after coming from the street, and fruits and vegetables can only be eaten carefully. Not the least role is played by the order in the house. Cockroaches and other undesirable neighbors can carry eggs of worms on their bodies.

Diet in the detection of ascarids in children should promote the establishment of normal intestinal peristalsis, so it is recommended to exclude acute and fatty foods, sweets. During the fight against worms, it is better to give preference to sour-milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits, porridges and bread from bran.