The child's diarrhea and temperature - what to do?

Unfortunately, children get sick often enough as in the childhood the immunity only is formed, so, to catch any infectious disease of a crumb can very simply. Therefore, if a child experiences diarrhea and fever, parents often panic and do not know what to do. Of course, whenever possible, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible, but sometimes you can not do it right away, and urgent measures are vital. The recommendations will help you in this.

Possible causes of this condition

Before starting the treatment of diarrhea with the temperature of the child, you should try to find out what led to the disease. Among the main reasons can be the following:

When taking medication or dentistry, you no longer need to guess why the child has a temperature and diarrhea and what should be done. In the case of teeth, the condition usually improves on the second-third day, and the medication that causes such body reactions should be stopped immediately.

With increasing acetone, poisoning with expired products, or overloading the gastrointestinal tract, the fatty food of the baby should be planted on a fairly rigid diet that restricts the consumption of fatty and sour-milk products, fried and smoked foods, vegetables and fruits, etc. If parents are suspected of a serious illness, go to the pediatrician.

How to treat diarrhea and temperature in a child?

Severe frustration in combination with a high temperature is dangerous potential dehydration of the body, so without a visit to a medical institution still can not do. After all, therapy should be comprehensive. However, parents can also alleviate the condition of crumbs as first aid:

  1. If you do not know what to give a child with diarrhea and temperature, special attention should be paid to rehydration therapy, restoring water reserves in the body. In this case, the small patient is given as much water as possible, compote of dried fruits, acidified tea (for example, lemon). Of the drugs recommend solutions of Regidron, Glukosolana and other electrolytes, preventing loss of fluid.
  2. If a child has a temperature of 40 degrees and diarrhea, it is better to call an ambulance immediately. But before her arrival, parents can give the baby paracetamol. Take aspirin for children under 12 years is strictly prohibited.
  3. Absorption agents that absorb toxins from the body are very useful. Children are allowed to give activated carbon, Smektu, Enterosgel, Neosmectin, Atoxil. Even if your child does not experience vomiting, doctors recommend rinsing the stomach with boiled water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. When diarrhea and small temperature in a child should give him enveloping and astringents: for example, Desmol or even a homemade jelly. Some parents are trying to give their son or daughter antibiotics from a number of fluoroquinolones or cephalosporins of the third generation, but this is only appropriate after examination by a doctor under very difficult conditions.
  5. Pomegranate and rice broth promote the adjustment of the intestine and the removal of toxins from the body. Give them a little, every two hours, because frequent and heavy use can cause vomiting.
  6. If the child has diarrhea of ​​green color and a high enough temperature, this is a true symptom of an intestinal infection. Parents urgently need to turn to a specialist, and before consulting him as often as possible to give the baby boiled water and put it in light cotton clothes to avoid overheating.