Kawasaki's disease in children

Kawasaki syndrome is called acute systemic disease, which is characterized by large, medium and small-sized blood vessel damage, accompanied by rupture of the vascular walls and the formation of thromboses. This disease was first described in the 60's. the last century in Japan. Kawasaki disease occurs in children aged 2 months and up to 8 years, and in boys almost twice as often as in girls. Unfortunately, the cause of the appearance of this condition is still unknown.

Kawasaki syndrome: symptoms

As a rule, the disease is characterized by an acute onset:

Then appear macular eruptions of red color on the face, trunk, extremities of the child. Diarrhea and conjunctivitis are possible. After 2-3 weeks, and in some cases even longer, all the symptom described above disappear, and a favorable outcome occurs. However, Kawasaki syndrome in children can lead to complications: the development of myocardial infarction, rupture of the coronary artery. Unfortunately, 2% of deaths occur.

Kawasaki disease: treatment

In the treatment of the disease, antibacterial therapy is ineffective. Basically, a technique is used to avoid the expansion of the coronary arteries to reduce lethality. To do this, use intravenous immunoglobulin, as well as aspirin, which helps to reduce heat. Sometimes, with Kawasaki syndrome, treatment involves the administration of corticosteroids (prednisolone). Upon recovery, the child will periodically need to undergo ECG and take aspirin , and be under lifelong supervision of a cardiologist.