Goosebumps in the baby

Healthy clean skin is important for both adults and children. Therefore, various changes in the skin, even the most minor, should alert the responsible parents and become a reason to seek help from a children's dermatologist. Many people consider the manifestation on the skin of a child in the form of "goosebumps" a normal phenomenon, explaining this by the usual physiological feature. Certainly, sometimes the reasons for the manifestation of gooseflesh in a child are not cause for concern. This can be the result of improper care or negative influence of external factors, such as frosty air, overheating of the body. However, sometimes gooseflesh does not disappear for a long time and can be the result of various diseases.

What is goosebump?

Surely, many noticed on some areas of the skin of their child an increase in the pattern of the skin. With such a manifestation a person can live a lifetime, but under certain conditions this deficiency can manifest itself on the other hand - goosebumps begin to itch, there are unpleasant sensations of dryness and roughness of the skin. In medical practice this disease is called pilar keratosis. Usually, gooseflesh manifests itself in the buttocks, hips, shins, shoulders, rarely - on the face. The color of the rash with pilar keratosis can be in the skin tone of the child, or with a reddish tint, indicating a minor inflammation around the hair follicle. As a rule, for the first time gooseflesh is manifested in the period of newborn and is strengthened by puberty. In half of the reported cases, this disease disappears with age, while in others it becomes less noticeable. In some children, the manifestation of gooseflesh is seasonal in nature - in the summer the condition of the skin becomes better, and in winter it gets worse.

Why does the baby have goosebumps?

  1. Most often, the reason for the appearance of goosebumpies is a deficiency in the child's body of vitamins A and C.
  2. The main factor that affects the manifestation of this disease is also considered to be a genetically caused violation of keratinization of the skin. At the same time, the surface layer of the epidermis is poorly sloughed, which provokes an increase in the production of keratin protein. As a result, there is a blockage of the outlets of the hair follicles, which leads to a violation of hair growth.

How to get rid of gooseflesh in a child?

To begin treatment of the child follows from visiting of the children's dermatologist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and will be able to establish the exact causes of the onset of the disease.

If the results of the analysis reveal a deficiency of any useful substances in the body of the child, the dermatologist will appoint the appropriate vitamin complex. Also, it would be advisable to revise the children's diet. More often offer the child grated carrots with sour cream, kiwi, blueberries and strawberries.

In addition, for the baby's skin, it is necessary to constantly create favorable conditions, so as not to cause drying and coarsening. To do this, it should be provided with proper care - use scrubs and peelings. But keep in mind that the baby's skin is very tender and may react poorly to external stimuli. Therefore, in order to avoid undesirable consequences, consult a physician beforehand about the most appropriate procedure.

It is useful to periodically visit with the child baths and saunas. Under the influence of hot steam, the skin softens and is more amenable to purification. Also, professional massage sessions are recommended, as a result of which the blood flow increases and gooseflesh becomes less noticeable.