Dermatitis - Symptoms and Treatment

Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that occurs due to the action of external and internal stimuli. Inflammation of the skin can be caused by a variety of factors, because allergens enter the patient's body with food, breathing and contact with various substances.

Symptoms and stages of dermatitis

Symptoms of dermatitis and methods of treatment are largely associated with the stage of development and a variety of the disease.

There are 3 stages of dermatitis:

  1. The first stage (acute) is characterized by the formation of bubbles filled with liquid.
  2. The second stage (subacute) is associated with the appearance of scales and crusts.
  3. In the third stage (chronic), there is a strong reddening (to a crimson color) and a thickening of the skin.

Symptoms and treatment of atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is considered a complex disease of an allergic nature. Atopic dermatitis, several factors directly affect the body. Predisposition to atopy (increased synthesis of immunoglobulin) is inherited, and as a rule, the disease develops at an early age. Atopic dermatitis is characterized by a strong reddening of the skin and marked swelling. Subsequently, bubbles are formed, which, when opened, leave a damp erosion. After the inflammation passes, on the skin there are crusts and scales. Atopic nature is also allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma.

Therapy of atopic dermatitis involves the use of local agents and means of general exposure. Inflamed skin is treated with ointments and solutions:

The means of general influence include antihistamines, vitamins, antidepressants and immunomodulating medications.

Symptoms and treatment of allergic dermatitis

Allergic dermatitis occurs gradually within a few weeks after contact with the allergen or during repeated interaction with it. Symptoms of allergic dermatitis are similar to those of atopic dermatitis. Treatment consists in stopping the effect of the disease-provoking factor, in other respects the therapy of allergic and atopic dermatitis is similar.

Symptoms and treatment of contact dermatitis

With contact dermatitis, individual skin areas become inflamed, most often those that come into contact with the allergen. In order to prevent inflammation, it is necessary to use protective gloves when working with chemicals, paints, detergents.

Symptoms and treatment of seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is characterized by excessive secretion of secretion of sebaceous glands. Acne on the face and acne is also a manifestation of seborrheic dermatitis. Often, with seborrheic dermatitis, a secondary infection is attached, which can be identified by the presence of yellow crusts on the erosion surface. Treatment of dermatitis on the face is carried out by hormonal ointments and creams (Elidel), as well as ingestion of such drugs:

In the presence of secondary infection, Levomikol and 10% Synthomycin emulsion are used . Great importance in the prevention and treatment of seborrheic dermatitis has a balanced diet and proper use of quality cosmetics.

Symptoms and treatment of ear dermatitis

Ear dermatitis is manifested in the form of swelling and redness in the ear zone, then there are bubbles, wet eruptions, erosion. Accompanying ear dermatitis is a strong itch and a feeling of stuffiness of the ears. If the treatment is not conducted, the disease spreads to the middle and inner ear. For the purpose of treatment, the affected areas are wiped:

Very effective in the therapy of corticosteroid ointments.