Goldfish in the aquarium - important rules of content

Everyone knows a goldfish in an aquarium often appears first. She belongs to the family of carp and looks very impressive. Her ancestors were pond fish. It is believed that goldfish appeared about one hundred and fifty thousand years ago and brought them to China. The content of such individuals does not cause difficulties when certain conditions are met.

Goldfish Description

A brief description of the goldfish in the aquarium includes different body colors. The main color is red-golden, but other shades come across: yellow, white, soft pink, black-blue and dark-bronze. The abdomen is lighter than the back. Individuals have a short length of the body, compressed on the sides, the shape - oval, rounded, elongated depending on the species.

The individual according to the configuration of the fins (single caudal, paired lateral and ventral) resembles crucian carp. They are short, rounded, depending on the species can have an elongated shape. There are varieties with strongly enlarged vealechvostami or ribbon-like fins, which beautifully hang like trails. The eyes of most individuals of normal size, and telescopes are endowed with a strongly convex form of apples. In domestic water bodies, the size of a gold resident does not exceed 15 cm.

Types of goldfish for an aquarium

There are many varieties of carp, which are obtained as a result of centuries of breeding. The main types of goldfish:

  1. Comet. Individuals with a long ribbon-like fin. A reference to beauty is a comet with a silver calf and a bright red or lemon-yellow tail, which is four times longer than the body.
  2. Shubunkin. A specimen with glowing scales and elongated fins. The colors are white, yellow, red or blue.
  3. Telescope. Has a swollen body ovoid, a forked tail and long fins. The main difference is bulging eyes, there is a disc-shaped, spherical, spherical shape of an apple. The most common telescopes are black-velvet.
  4. Voilehvost. Has an ovoid body, expressive eyes. The main ornament of the species is a tail consisting of two, three, four long fins, graceful and almost transparent in the form of a plume.
  5. Oranda. The shape of the body and fins resembles a telescope, but it has a characteristic fatty growth on the forehead. Colors occur white, scarlet, black, and mottled. Most appreciated is a red-horned porch with a white body and a crimson growth.
    1. How to keep goldfish in an aquarium?

      Such individuals are considered unpretentious inhabitants of the reservoir. To ensure the goldfish care and maintenance according to all the rules, you first need to pick up a vessel, properly equip it and populate it. The aquarium should be spacious, the form is acceptable classical if the length is twice the width. The height of the water should not be more than 50 cm. This is due to the fact that light passes badly into the lower layers of the vessel in deep vessels. Popular content of goldfish in a round aquarium. It creates attractive optical effects that emphasize the beauty of individuals.

      The volume of the aquarium for goldfish

      In nature, carp lived in ponds and were not used to cramped space. In addition, due to their gluttony and peculiarities of the digestive system they carry a great biological load on the home pond. On the question of what an aquarium for a goldfish should be in terms of volume, experienced breeders recommend using 50 liters of water for one individual, or 100 for two. In this case, residents will be free in movements, and in the environment biological balance will not be lost.

      How to equip an aquarium for goldfish?

      Fine goldfish in the aquarium behave like in nature. They dig in the ground, vzmuchivayut water and dig up the plants. For goldfish, whatever the aquarium in shape did not acquire for their life, it should be well equipped. Required devices:

      1. Internal filter. Cleans water from the fine dirt that appears due to constant soil tumbling. Requires regular cleaning, should work around the clock.
      2. Heater. Provides goldfish in the aquarium at a continuous optimum temperature.
      3. Compressor. Even if the filter in the aeration mode performs its task well, the device is necessary to improve the quality of the medium. A goldfish in an aquarium needs a high oxygen content in the water.
      4. Siphon. It serves to clean the soil.
      5. Lighting. For such individuals, the vessel is equipped with lamps at a rate of 0.5 W per liter of water.

      In addition to equipment, many plants are to be planted in the container. Goldfish regularly eat greens, while receiving an additional source of vitamins. To make the underwater world look aesthetically pleasing, you can plant tough and large-leaved crops - useful magnolia vine, anibus, cryptocoryn, and egg capsules - to useful bushes. When planting plants in the ground, they should be strengthened strongly, so that the fish do not dig up the roots.

      The water temperature for goldfish in the aquarium

      Aquarium goldfishes are considered cold-blooded, they easily tolerate a drop in temperature, but sharp fluctuations are unacceptable. Especially playful residents are in the environment of 22-24 ° C. Decorative specimens are more thermophilic. For a goldfish, the content in water with a temperature of 17-25 ° C is suitable for long-bodied species and 21-28 ° C for short fishes. The hardness of the medium must be at least 8 °.

      How many goldfish can I keep in the aquarium?

      The vessel is populated by long-bodied fish at the rate of 2 sq. Km. dm. for one individual and 1.5 for a short one. For example, in a 150 liter capacity, you can plant 3-4 residents, provided that additional media filtration is installed. Goldfish in a mini aquarium will cause a lot of problems. It requires frequent substitution of water, it is difficult to establish biological equilibrium. Goldfish in a small aquarium look impressive, but its volume should be at least 30 liters. It should be carefully monitored for lighting and sudden changes in temperature when the lamps are switched off.

      What fish get along with gold in the aquarium?

      Aquarium goldfish is peaceful, but compatibility with other inhabitants deserves special attention. Her health and life expectancy depend on this. The goldfish in the aquarium is poorly combined with other individuals - it becomes either a predator or a victim, and for valelechists even their relatives cut off their fins. Without problems with the golden inhabitants, there are zebrafish, labeo, koi carp. But it is believed that when colonizing such fish, the best way out will be a species aquarium with only golden varieties. So they feel calmer.

      Care for a goldfish in an aquarium

      Aquarium carp need a simple care, the main thing is that it should be regular. Mandatory measures for reservoir maintenance:

Water substitution is made at the level of 30%, an increase in this volume will lead to a violation of biological equilibrium and turbidity, the appearance of harmful unicellular. Goldfish at home likes to dig in the ground, if it's dirty, then the environment also becomes not very clean. Bottom siphon should be carried out regularly. For the same reason, filters are frequently clogged and cleaning is required. The contamination of the device can be judged by reducing its performance.

How to feed goldfish in an aquarium?

Such residents are very voracious, feeding goldfish in an aquarium is done twice a day so that the food is eaten in 5 minutes. Overeating is harmful and causes problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The carp are omnivorous, so their diet is varied. Dry flakes and granules are recommended to alternate with vegetable food - spinach leaves, lettuce, dill, fruits (kiwi, orange), boiled vegetables.

Sometimes fish can be fed with pieces of meat, liver, frozen bloodworm. The latter must be brought to room temperature before use. Useful regular feeding with live daphnia. As already noted, in the vessel you need to keep "delicious" plants for replenishing the diet of fish with vitamins. Once a week it is useful to arrange for people to unloading days.

Breeding goldfish in an aquarium

Carp in a capacity of 25 to 30 liters with a water level of not more than 20 cm is grown. The vessel is filled with sandy soil, fine-grained plants and water, which is constant and sustained under direct sunlight for several hours. In the spawning it is necessary to organize bright illumination and powerful aeration. At a distance of 1-2 cm from the bottom stretched plastic mesh.

It is interesting to observe how goldfish breed in an aquarium. For guaranteed spawning, one female and two or three males are taken. Two weeks before they are held separately. Males begin to drive the female along the spawning grounds at a high speed, which facilitates the distribution of eggs throughout the vessel. The label lasts 2-5 hours. Upon its completion, the parents are immediately removed. The incubation period lasts 3-4 days, at which time it is necessary to remove the whitened eggs. Appeared fry immediately begin to swim. Saturate them with rotoviruses and infusoria.

How many years live goldfish in the aquarium?

The lifespan of goldfish depends on its size. Small specimens live no more than 5 years, residents larger - 10, very large can reach the twentieth anniversary. It all depends on proper care. Negatively affects the life expectancy of high water temperature, its rare substitution, overfeeding, overpopulation of the aquarium. If the content of health problems is incorrect, it can not be avoided.

Diseases of goldfish in the aquarium

Indicators of the health of residents are their mobility, glitter scales, appetite, dorsal fin (should not be omitted). With the suspicious behavior of a goldfish aquarium it must be deposited in a separate vessel, observed and treated. The most common diseases:

Why do goldfish die in an aquarium?

The most common causes of fish morality are poor conditions of detention:

If the goldfish at home feels bad - lies on the bottom, grabs air, overturns, it needs to be urgently transplanted into another container, to provide access to oxygen. You can add to the water preparation Tetra AquaSave, it makes the environment favorable for finding a sick individual. Unfortunately, a goldfish in an aquarium can develop a fatal illness that can result in death:

  1. Dermatomycosis is a fungus, white strings appear on all parts of the body (hyphae). The fish grows heavier as it hurts, falls to the bottom and may not rise. Treatment is carried out by salt baths or lotions from potassium permanganate.
  2. A dropsy with subsequent sepsis is a terrible disease for gold carp. The chance to save the individual is only at the initial stage - the fish are planted in running water and bathed in a solution of potassium permanganate every other day for 15 minutes.