Joint sleep with a child

From the first minutes of his birth, the child requires a lot of attention to himself. Newly-minted parents look at and sniff at the baby, study every line and fold on his body, carefully watching his every move.

First night at home

The most exciting event is the first night with the baby at home. The whole family is ready for a sleepless night, especially if this child is the first and only. It is clear that no one will be able to sleep peacefully: one will have to get up not just once to feed the baby or change his diaper. In this case, it is most sensible to arrange a joint dream with the child, so as not to torment either himself or him.

In the decision of a joint dream with a babe it is not necessary to doubt. A joint sleep with a newborn will protect mother from unnecessary excitement, and the baby will be presented with a feeling of continuity with maternal warmth and smell. Do not be afraid that the child will become spoiled or too dependent on the parents. On the contrary, he will grow in an atmosphere of love and tenderness from the first days of his life.

Advantages and disadvantages of joint sleep

A joint sleep with a baby is not just more convenient, but also calmer. It's nice to hear the baby's breath, feel his warmth, feel his movements. The child feels protected and sleeps better next to his mother, it can be fed half-asleep if it is breastfeeding. A sleeping mother and a quiet child is the main advantage of sharing a dream with a child.

The main disadvantage of sleeping with a baby can be its dependence on the constant presence of parents. As he grows up, the baby can constantly demand increased attention to his person. Therefore, it is important not to delay this process and start learning its independence on time.

How to wean your child from sleeping together?

In order not to have a big problem, how to wean the baby from sleeping together, you need to gradually accustom it to be in your crib. To do this, you need to start laying him to sleep on your own, without your mother. This will help the child to get used to their new bed, and Mom will give the opportunity to do themselves and numerous household chores.

Beginning with one-year-old age, a joint sleep with a child should be gradually reduced, instilling independence. By this time, the kid is trying to do everything himself, and then you can begin to play by his rules, encouraging the child's attempts to be an adult.