How to determine the gender of the kitten?

Determining the sex of the kitten in the first months of life is not such a simple matter, especially for fluffy rocks with thick and long hair. The time when you can determine the gender of the kitten in the usual way (by looking at it under the tail) will come much later. But there are several tricks how to recognize the gender of a kitten.

How to determine the sex of a newborn kitten?

It is much easier to determine the sex of a short-haired kitten than a long-haired kitten. But in any case, the probability of hitting the target will not exceed 90%, since it is only professionals who have been working with animals for several years to determine the gender of the kitten with a 100% chance. It is easier to solve this problem if the cat has resulted in several babies at once, since it is easier to determine the sex of the newborn kitten if it is possible to compare individuals with each other.

It is easier to determine the sex of a newborn kitten, when the wool has not yet had time to dry and rise. For this, look at the kitten under the tail. There are two holes: the genital and anal. At the cat, the distance between these holes is very small, not more than 5 mm. The cat has twice the distance, because there is a scrotum, but in kittens it is still empty.

If you see a slit under the anus, you have a kitty. This gap is the vulva. But the round hole speaks about the male field of the kitten.

Speaking figuratively, the distance and appearance of these two holes in a cat is like an inverted exclamation mark. But the cat under the tail you will find a "colon". This is the surest way to distinguish a cat from a cat.

Determining the sex of a kitten at the age of 10 days

By this time, the wool of the kittens has already managed to rise and you can determine the sex by the following signs: look under the tail and take a closer look at the gap between the anal and genital holes. In the kitty this zone is completely bald, without a hint of wool. At the cat, the area between the holes is covered with fur. For clarity, it's better to keep a pair of kittens around and compare, in time you will learn to recognize quickly.

There is one peculiarity, how to determine the gender of a kitten in color. Even many experienced breeders make blunders if they try to find a cat and a cat only by external data. For example, it is believed that cats are larger at birth, but miniature and a gentle kitten can grow into a huge and pugnacious cat in the future, and a large and active cat will grow into a small and tender pet. But there is a sign that will unmistakably indicate the cat: tortoiseshell coat color. This color is found only in cats, since a polyspecific gene is responsible for it. At the same time red and arrogant cats often grow up, but sometimes there are also cats.

Many experienced breeders can determine the gender of the kitten in appearance. In the shape of the muzzle, the structure of the body. But this is by force to someone who has been doing kittens for decades. For novice breeders or ordinary buyers this method will not work. The most reliable way to determine the gender of the kitten, looking at his tail.