Elevated cholesterol - causes

Cholesterol is called fat-like substance, which is a part of the shell of every cell of the human body. In the liver, about 80% of the cholesterol is formed, the remaining 20% ​​comes from the food we eat. The normal amount of cholesterol provides good health and stable performance for most of the body systems.

The main causes of increased cholesterol

The most common cause of increased cholesterol in women is malnutrition. In this case, the woman consumes too much oily food of animal origin, including meat products or dishes made with the addition of pork fat. The main products that contain a lot of cholesterol are:

Improper diet can also cause excess weight gain. This disease often develops together with an increase in cholesterol in the blood. The situation worsens by the presence of bad habits: smoking and alcohol, which make it difficult for the liver to work, because it is not able to provide the necessary amount of cholesterol. The result is increased cholesterol in the blood.

In addition to the fact that the products themselves give the body extra fat, the liver is forced to produce additional cholesterol for processing foods saturated with fats. In particular, this applies to palm and coconut oil, which is harmful to the body. Nutritionists recommend refraining from using it, since these foods are heavy for digestion, and excessive use of them can lead not only to problems with the esophagus, but also to diseases of other organs. It is often bad nutrition can cause cholesterol in pregnancy. Therefore, future moms should give up tasty and fast food, as excessive consumption of fats and all sorts of food additives can cause the increase in low-density cholesterol, that is triglycerides.

Cholesterol and the rhythm of life

Also, the reason for the low level of "good" cholesterol and increased triglyceride is observed in women who move little. This applies not only to loafers, but also office workers or those who are forced to spend a lot of time in one position. Specialists have shown that the most normal level of cholesterol and triglycerides is observed in runners for a long distance. That's why doctors recommend running in the morning at least two or three times a week. Replace run can be a daily charge, which can be done in the morning or during the day. 20 minutes of easy exercise are able to protect you from many diseases, including the increase of cholesterol in the blood.

Why is high blood cholesterol in women?

A common answer to this question are diseases, both in the stage of development and in the chronic state. To such diseases it is possible to carry:

The listed ailments can cause an increase in the level of cholesterol, so during the illness the doctor should monitor the level of cholesterol in the blood of the patient.

Why is cholesterol elevated in thin women?

It is quite rare to increase the cholesterol because of heredity. Every year, doctors are increasingly making sure that genetics can also become a cause. This factor of disease development becomes the answer to the question. It is believed that it is the holders of slender figures who are insured against such a disease, but this is not true. Harmful habits, even for slivers, can cause many diseases. Therefore, regardless of the type of your figure, watch your diet and lifestyle in order to avoid problems with cholesterol.