Deforming osteoarthritis

Deforming osteoarthritis is a degenerative-dystrophic joint disease, in which the cartilage tissue of the joints is damaged. This disease ranks first among forms of joint damage, often causing disability.

Causes of deforming osteoarthritis

There are two types of deforming osteoarthritis - primary (idiopathic) secondary. Primary osteoarthritis develops in the initially healthy cartilage, but the reasons for this process remain not fully known. There are only a number of provoking factors:

Secondary deforming osteoarthritis can develop for the following reasons:

Symptoms of deforming osteoarthritis

Most often with this disease affect the joints of the hand, foot, cervical and lumbar spine, knee and hip joints. Common manifestations and symptoms of deforming osteoarthritis of any localization are the following manifestations:

Deforming osteoarthritis - diagnosis

To assess the degree of joint damage, the following diagnostic methods are used:

How to treat deforming osteoarthritis?

As a rule, treatment of deforming osteoarthritis is carried out on an outpatient basis. The main principles of treatment of this disease are aimed at slowing the progression of the process and improving the function of the joint and include the following:

As medicinal products are used:

In some severe cases, surgical treatment is indicated - arthroplasty.

The diet for deforming osteoarthritis does not require any special restrictions, except when the disease is associated with excessive body weight or other associated pathologies.

Treatment of deforming osteoarthritis with folk remedies

In the treatment of this disease it is useful to take a tincture of the rhizomes of the swamp saber, which is prepared in this way:

  1. Pour 100 grams of raw material with a liter of vodka.
  2. Leave to infuse for 3 weeks in a dark place.
  3. Strain.

Take tincture three times a day for a tablespoon for half an hour before meals.