Ankle Bandage - Rules for Choosing and Using

Ankle joints are not particularly protected by ligaments and muscle tissue, so a dislocation can occur. Most often this happens because the foot takes an incorrect position in space or because of the large weight of a person. Warn the situation helps the bandage on the ankle joint - the device tightly fits the leg and protects it.

How to choose a band for an ankle joint?

Acquired orthosis should be exclusively after consultation with a highly qualified trauma doctor. Only he can correctly pick up a bandage on the ankle. The specialist will take into account the following points:

However, the ankle bandage is not always acceptable in all cases. He has contraindications to use, among which the most common are:

Ankle joint after fracture

The leg must be immobilized. Outwardly, such an orthosis looks like a full-fledged footwear, it can even be moved in the recovery stage after the operation. A bandage with an ankle fracture significantly fixes the leg much better than a gypsum or bandage bandage. Under the orthosis the joint is treatable, which is not the case with the fixing tire. Gypsum completely bury the damaged area, not giving access to it.

Use an orthosis on the ankle with an open fracture , where the wound bleeds, is prohibited. In addition, a closed fresh injury must first be covered with a plaster bandage. The fixing device can be used only after splicing the bone fragments. In the injured area, elastic or rigid orthoses may be used. The first are of the following types:

The hard type device is made of a heavy-duty hard material, which ensures reliable fixation of the ankle. Such a product can be equipped with lacing, belts and other additional details. It is very important to choose the correct fixing device. A mistake made may result in another injury, other than the one already received. In addition, when wearing such a device, the probability of improper fusion of individual bone fragments is great.

Sports bandage for ankle

The choice of a fixative should be carried out taking into account what kind of sport a person is engaged in. The best option is an elastic bandage on the ankle joint. For football players there are models of easy fixing. Such devices provide a soft support to the leg and prevent injury to the ankle during the game. If necessary, you can pick up clamps with adjustable lacing.

For basketball players and volleyball players, an elastic bandage can be used on the ankle joint. This device is shaped like a sock without a front part and a heel. Sportsmen involved in boxing, it is better to choose a lock that provides reliable protection to the leg, without constraining it and not restricting movement. Such orthoses are made of cotton or elastin.

Orthopedic bandage for ankle joint

By way of assignment, these fixatives are distinguished:

Bandage on the ankle with a hanging foot is produced in the following types:

Compression bandage on the ankle

This type of orthosis is made of an elastic, but dense tissue. The most suitable option is neoprene. This material has a warming effect and creates a certain microclimate near the feet. Made of neoprene, the fixing bandage on the ankle normalizes metabolic processes on the part of the body with which it comes into contact, enhances blood circulation and lymph flow. For better fixation of the orthosis, this device is equipped with Velcro.

How can I know the size of an ankle joint?

It is very important to choose the correct fixative. Ankle bandage with lacing should be selected with due regard for the following parameters:

How to wear a bandage on the ankle?

  1. To put on orthoses more conveniently sitting and on a cotton or a smooth sock. Making sure that the heel is well "sat down", you need to tightly fix the device around your leg with straps or lacing. On an elastic bandage on the ankle you need to wear comfortable suitable size shoes. Buy it should be after careful fitting, so that when wearing, do not experience discomfort.
  2. Use the fixator only on the advice of a traumatologist. However, it is necessary to get used to the bandage intended for the ankle joint gradually. On the first day, the orthosis is worn for 1 hour (activity in this period should be minimized), and then check the condition of the leg. Further, the time for wearing the locking device is gradually increased and simultaneously increases the load.
  3. Addiction to the orthosis occurs from 1 to 6 weeks. However, in each specific case, this indicator varies. It depends on the severity of the resulting injury to the joint and the material from which the fixing device is made. If the ankle bandage after fracture on the first day of wearing left a trace in the form of redness or caused a slight pain, it's not scary. This is how the accustoming process takes place.
  4. Wear clamps should not be more than 6 hours in a row. To prevent multiplication on the foot of pathogenic bacteria, the skin needs to be cleaned with an antiseptic, then let it dry (about half an hour), then put on the device. It is necessary to erase elastic fixatives weekly, with strong sweating - 2-3 times a week (only hand washing and natural drying).