An eructation of air and lumps in the throat causes

Very often a belching of air and lumps in the throat appear for the same reasons. Many believe that these phenomena can only indicate problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. But in fact, this is not entirely true. Symptoms may indicate different abnormalities in the body, including problems with the stomach - that's right.

Common causes of belching and coma in the throat

These signs often appear separately. An eructation, for example, arises because of:

The joint appearance of a coma in the throat and eructation is caused by such factors as:

The cause of a lump in the throat and eructation can also be esophagitis. It is an inflammatory disease that affects the esophageal mucosa. It is accompanied by a burning sensation that intensifies after eating, a pain in the area of ​​the retina, which is sometimes given to the lower jaw, shoulders and even behind the shoulder blades.

Specialists consider neurosis as a possible cause of lump formation in the throat and the appearance of eructation. Similarly, the nervous system can respond to stressful situations - such as loss of workplace, death of a loved one, sudden change of situation.

To deal with this kind of problems are women and during pregnancy. They are explained by a change in the hormonal background, and therefore are considered quite natural and not dangerous. It's simple - in the period of gestation of the fetus, the female body - and the gastrointestinal tract, respectively - is completely reconstructed. As a result - heartburn, belching and lump in the throat against the background of destabilization of the process of digesting food.

Treatment of a constant eructation of air and coma in the throat

First of all, it is necessary to find out, because of what exactly the unpleasant symptoms appeared:

  1. If all the blame is only stress, get rid of discomfort will be through rest, relaxing baths, walking in the fresh air, soothing teas. Of course, in doing so, you will certainly have to protect yourself from an irritating and unnerving factor.
  2. A lump in the throat and eructation, arising from problems with the thyroid, can be eliminated only after a professional consultation of the endocrinologist, which, most likely, will recommend taking Thyreotom, Yodtiroks, Thyreocombe. These drugs contribute to the replenishment of the amount of iodine in the body.
  3. Osteochondrosis is treated with massages, electrostimulation, laser therapy.
  4. Oncology is surgically removed if possible.
  5. Symptoms caused by vegetovascular dystonia, to remove it helps rest, as well as tinctures of hawthorn or motherwort.
  6. For the treatment of ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, as a rule, apply Almagel, Festal, Vikolin and other medications.

During the treatment and after recovery, you need to control the process of eating - there is need, without hurrying, not talking, thoroughly chewing everything. Chewing chewing is recommended without opening the mouth. Fans of the same beer and soda - alcoholic and nonalcoholic - should reduce the consumption of "thorny" drinks to a minimum.

If the burp has an unpleasant aftertaste, the doctor should be contacted as soon as possible!