Words of gratitude to parents at the wedding

A wedding is a long-awaited moment when dreams come true. This event is characterized by special preparation and pleasant experiences. Among the wedding ceremonies, the most memorable moment is the exchange of rings, the oath of fidelity and the first dance of the young. But the most important, touching moment is the expression of gratitude to parents at the wedding. For them, this is a very happy and exciting day, to watch how the grown up children create their own family and the words of gratitude from the newlyweds are especially pleasing to their parents.

Parents most of all wish their children happiness, and it is they who, during the pre-wedding fuss, provide young people with the necessary support. But the time passes quickly in the hassle, and the wedding day comes, in which I want to express my gratitude to my parents: for the fact that they have raised and given upbringing, for support and help in difficult times, for advice, just for the fact that they are your parents, the closest ones people for you.

You can prepare or improvise in advance. But you need to consider that you can get excited, and it will be hard for you to express the depth of your feelings to parents. It is better to prepare beforehand. This does not mean that you need to read a prepared speech on a piece of paper. Such reading deprives her of sincerity and sincerity that not everyone will like. Written in advance treatment, you need to learn. Do not be afraid that something will be forgotten, so the words will sound even more natural.

Gratitude to parents from the newlyweds - general recommendations:

  1. Both future spouses need to make a speech, because now they are one whole, which means that the answer should be kept together. If someone is more shy from a couple and is harder with a crowd of people to pronounce even the phrases learned in advance, he can agree with the words of the partner, but we should add, even a couple of suggestions from himself.
  2. Speak, try from the heart, most importantly do not forget to give your smiles - they will save even in difficult situations.
  3. Thank not only your parents, but say at the wedding some words of gratitude to the parents of the second half. Forget misunderstandings, grievances that existed up to this day, try to build a new harmonious relationship with the partner's parents.
  4. When choosing words, avoid pathos, loud phrases, use pleasant, simple words. It will be good if you remember some kind of sweet memories or a story related to parents, an event that was remembered. Do not be afraid of sincerity, at this moment it is appropriate. Try to identify the stages that characterize your communication with parents. And when expressing gratitude to the groom's parents, note his very best qualities, which you love in him and say thank you to them that you brought him up like that.

Words of gratitude can be in prosaic or poetic form. The prose form is easier to remember and improvise. Ideal option will be your personal words of gratitude to parents from the newlyweds. To make it easier to write your own lines, read the samples of thankful speeches.

The words of gratitude to the groom's parents

Dear Parents! Today gave me happiness - fate brought me with a kind, loving, amazing person - his name ____ which today officially became my spouse.

And I'm telling you, ___ (mother-in-law's name) and ____ (the name of father-in-law), thank you so much for raising such a beautiful son. Thanks to you, I found true love, which I will try to keep long years.

As a token of gratitude, I ask you to accept these gifts. I love you and respect you very much! Thank you for my husband!

In the same vein, the words of gratitude to the bride's parents should also sound.

After giving speeches to the parents of the bride and groom, the newlyweds are also thanked in their gifts. Most couples give pictures, family photos and toys in memory of childhood.

Say thank you to your parents, make them a bit happier, giving them a few minutes at the wedding.