How to survive the betrayal of her husband and save the marriage?

Adultery, unfortunately, a phenomenon quite frequent. Therefore, the problem of how to survive the betrayal of a husband and preserve a marriage, for many women is very relevant.

Scientists say that men are polygamous in nature, such is their genetic code and nothing can be done about it. But such inferences serve as a weak comfort to wives who suffer from the infidelity of their faithful. It is especially difficult at first, when feelings of resentment and loneliness are still very sharp, and all thoughts are confused and are in turmoil. To prevent a fatal mistake, "slashing from the shoulder," every married lama must know how to survive the pain of betraying her husband and not lose a loved one. After all, the reasons for adultery in a spouse could be different.

How to survive the betrayal of her husband and save the marriage?

Recommendations on how to survive the betrayal of her husband and save the family, you can find a great many. But not all are effective. Let's turn to the advice that professional psychologists give.

  1. Calm down, think, reflect on the situation, but not at home, but in neutral territory: friends, mom, at the dacha. Seven days should be enough to bring your thoughts in order.
  2. Try to cry out, release negative emotions that choke you. It is better to do it alone, self-pity should not be shown even to relatives.
  3. Distract, go on a shopping trip, on a trip, on a business trip or even just to another city for one day.
  4. After "cooling down" talk with her husband frankly, without reproaches and negativity. Try to understand what you are connected with this person. And do you really need to save the marriage if you are strangers to each other?

The science of psychology about how to survive the betrayal of a husband does not give ready-made recipes. But the advice of experts still should be listened to, and in case you need to visit a full consultation.