Psychological compatibility

The concept of psychological compatibility was given the right to exist through interpersonal relationships. Psychological compatibility is a characteristic of a long-term interaction between two or more individuals, in which the manifestations of inherent character traits of these individuals do not lead to long and insoluble contradictions. This definition, which is given in Wikipedia, can not be better reflected the essence of the phenomenon we are considering.

Compatibility in the community

In any relationship, be it a relationship with family, superiors, friends, an important role is played by mutual understanding. Psychological compatibility of people means intimacy, similarity. This is when the characters and views are not hostile, but complement each other. In a society of other people, we now and then experience the result of psychological compatibility. The atmosphere within the group and the results of any joint activity largely depend on the degree of psychological compatibility. Any team, the group exists within the framework of socio-psychological compatibility. It includes the community of goals and values, attitude to activities and comrades, motivation of actions, as well as features of the psychological warehouse of each member of the group.

Another type of psychological compatibility is psychophysiological compatibility. It is compatibility in terms of physical and psychomotor (development of intellectual and motor skills) development. Here we are talking about the same manifestation of the basic mental processes and a single degree of training people in these or other professional skills and abilities.

The psychological compatibility of temperaments has a strange feature, which consists in the following: the more people have similarities in temperament, the greater the chances of both compatibility and incompatibility of these individuals. In other words, the more people are similar, the easier it is for them to find a common language. However, the chances for mutual hostility are higher. That's such a strange thing, compatibility ...

Compatibility in the family

Of course, the psychological compatibility of family members is more important than compatibility with unfamiliar and less familiar people. Family is the most precious thing that every person has in life. If we do not choose parents, and the issue of compatibility here is not particularly appropriate, then we need to talk about the psychological compatibility of spouses, moreover, knowledge of this issue is simply necessary.

The main goal of marriage is to create a happy union. We are born for happiness, it is in our hands. Understanding each other's spouses and relations to each other is a key factor in the sustainability of marital relations. Therefore, it is easy to guess that the psychological incompatibility results from the unwillingness to understand the spouse and objectively assess their own behavior. In marital relations it is important to understand the whole multilayeredness of psychological compatibility. Emotional, moral, spiritual, sexual compatibility - these are the levels of psychological compatibility on which the fate of marriage depends. The more fully this compatibility, the better the spouses with each other. The more the husband and wife of close parties and common interests, the more fully their psychological compatibility.

Harmony in family relations is determined by several main factors of psychological compatibility:

Success or failure in marriage predetermine the personal qualities of the spouses, for the development and for the control of which each is responsible.

Problems of psychological compatibility, if desired, can be solved. To do this, you need to work on yourself, develop some qualities in yourself, and try to get rid of some. The main thing to remember is that all this you do for love, peace and personal happiness.