Nail fungus on legs

Nail fungus on the legs develops very slowly and imperceptibly. As a rule, when this trouble begins to bother you, it means that the infection has been in the body for a long time. From the fungus of the nails on his feet almost no one is insured, even people who lead an exceptionally healthy lifestyle can pick up a fungal infection in a public place.

The main feature of a fungal infection is its incredible vitality. After falling on our feet, the fungus slowly hits the nails, and then goes over to the skin areas. Thus, this disease gradually spreads throughout the body. If you do not start treatment in time, a person risks getting a fungus in chronic form - the infection will be constantly renewed from various foci of infection in the body.

Symptoms of nail fungus on legs

As already mentioned, at the earliest stage it is almost impossible to recognize the nail fungus on its feet. For several weeks and even months, the infection may not manifest itself. The main symptoms of nail fungus on the legs are:

Treatment of nail fungus on legs

In order to cure nail fungus on legs at different times different means were used. To date, traditional medicine has been successfully combating this disease. But no less effective are still people's means.

  1. Medicines for the treatment of nail fungus on legs. The choice of cure for nail fungus on the feet depends on the success of the treatment of the disease. Therefore, it is recommended not to purchase advertised medicines, but to contact an experienced specialist who, after a series of laboratory studies, will select a medicine suitable for a particular case. Most drugs for the treatment of nail fungus on the feet in its basis contain acids - salicylic or lactic. Also, the effective components of the drug are: iodine, vinegar, sulfur. Treatment of nail fungus on the legs - this is a long process, which can take up to several months.
  2. Folk remedies for the treatment of nail fungus on legs. Since ancient times people have been preparing ointments and balsams from the fungus on their own. Recipes of some of them have survived to this day, and still many help to get rid of a fungal infection. To prepare a folk remedy, you need: 1 raw egg, 1 teaspoon dimethyl phthalate (this liquid can be ordered at the pharmacy), 1 tablespoon vegetable oil and vinegar. Of all the ingredients, you need to prepare a homogeneous ointment. The resulting product must be applied to problem areas, top polyethylene and put on warm socks. A similar procedure should be done daily at night until the affected nails are detached.

You can catch nail fungus in the sauna, swimming pool, beauty salon and other public places. Therefore, when they visit, you should double take care of personal hygiene to prevent the development of this unpleasant disease.