Mask for hair with olive oil

Certainly, nobody will dispute the useful properties of olive oil. It is used by culinary specialists, hairdressers and cosmetologists from all over the world. Masks for hair with olive oil are famous for their simplicity and incredible efficiency. With their help, you can achieve such a result, which will not give any expensive professional tool.

Secrets of the popularity of hair masks with olive oil

The composition of olive oil contains a surprising amount of nutrients. Among them:

Due to these components, the use of oil on the scalp and hair is very beneficial. The masks act as follows:

The list of advantages looks impressive, as you can see!

Recipes for masks for dry, greasy and weakened hair with olive oil

You can make the simplest mask of olive oil in just a few seconds:

  1. To do this, you will only need to lightly heat the main ingredient and gently spread it over the scalp, roots and length of the hair.
  2. If desired, the head can be wrapped in polyethylene - so it will be more effective.
  3. After about 20-30 minutes the mask can be washed off with a normal shampoo under running water.

But there are several more popular and effective tools that will require additional ingredients.

From olive oil and lemon it turns out a wonderful mask for hair. It will help to strengthen and activate hair follicles:

  1. The main constituents are thoroughly mixed in a one to one ratio.
  2. After a few minutes, they are heated in a water bath.
  3. This mask is most useful to do at night. In the morning you need to wash your head.

Moisturize dry hair will help mask with olive oil and essential oil of jojoba. It will take a little money:

  1. Mixing the ingredients should be one to one.
  2. After applying to the hair, the head should be wrapped.
  3. After an hour, wash it off with an ordinary shampoo with balm .

To prepare a nutritional mask for the hair will require egg yolks and olive oil:

  1. Pairs of yolks for five tablespoons of oil are enough for you.
  2. A well-mixed product is applied to dirty hair - to make the mask best in half an hour before washing your head.
  3. Wash off the mask with warm water. At high temperatures, the yolk may curl.

This mask will effectively get rid of seborrhea and make the scalp less greasy.

Adding a couple of ingredients to the previous product, you can get a new beautiful hair mask with egg, honey, olive oil, colorless henna and cognac. You need to keep the following proportions:

Everything is mixed thoroughly, applied to the hair starting from the roots, and washed off in an hour.

There is a universal tool for owners of colored hair, suffering from split ends:

To make a mask for the ends of the hair with olive oil, you need one banana and a glass of curdled milk or kefir:

  1. Banana is recommended to grind with a blender.
  2. When all the components of the mask are mixed, the product is applied to the hair.
  3. Next, the head is covered with a plastic wrap and a towel.
  4. The mask should be kept for 30 minutes, after which everything is washed off with shampoo.