Walking on the buttocks

In the pelvic region are the most important organs and systems of the human body. The intestine is responsible for digestion, the formation of immune defense and the beauty of the skin, hair and nails, while the gluteal and lumbosacral muscles participate in the movement and largely determine the health of the reproductive system. Walking on the buttocks is the ideal exercise for normalizing the function of the pelvic organs and maintaining muscle tone.

Use of walking on the buttocks

Such training is not a new-fangled invention. Walking is practiced by fitness instructors and physiotherapy specialists. Developed by her doctor of medical sciences. Neumyvakin back in the 70s of last century. And here's what the exercise on walking on the buttocks does, will be listed below:

How to perform?

To perform the exercise walking on the buttocks you need to sit on the floor, straightened legs, in the body perpendicular to them. Hands can be bent at the elbows and slightly help themselves during the movement, and when the exercise is sufficiently mastered, for its complication it will be possible to get them by the head. Start the movement by pushing the right buttock forward with the right foot. Along with this, move the right side of the case forward. Repeat for the left side of the body and thus move forward. Going to the end of the room, make a move in the opposite direction, only the back.

It is very important to keep an eye on the posture and keep your back straight. Do not drag the foot on the floor, but keep it when moving on weight. To begin with, you can do three sets of 10-15 reps, and later increase the duration of the workout. And you can move not only back and forth, but also from side to side.

Contraindications walking on the buttocks

First of all, I must say that you can start training only by stretching. That is, it is recommended to perform a small charge. Clothes should be comfortable and smooth, preventing the rubbing of the skin, and it is also important to lay a mat on the floor, otherwise there is a risk of catching cold on the cold surface. Training is contraindicated in women during menstruation and those who have any illness in acute form. In chronic diseases of the genitourinary area before the lessons you need to consult a doctor. But in any case, with any discomfort and pains in the lower abdomen and lower back training should be stopped and wait for the improvement of the condition.

Those who want to increase the effectiveness of the exercise, you can put on your feet any weighting, and for deeper study of the buttocks muscles to include in the training program more serious physical exercises . At the end of the classes, take a shower and rub the skin of the thighs and buttocks with nourishing cream, you can with anti-cellulite effect.