Grenada - kitchen

Traveling gourmets bring from different countries memories of new tastes, combinations of products and, of course, recipes for their home table. But most of them argue that national cuisines on island states such as Grenada , for example, carry an amazing mixture of culinary creativity and heritage. After all for several centuries here daily dinners were prepared not only by local natives, but also by brave travelers and even pirates.

What is interesting about Grenada's cuisine?

First of all, it should be noted that the national cuisine of the state of Grenada is an amazing mix of gastronomy features of Indian, French and African cuisines. All this was brewed, combined and developed for more than one century. Secondly, fertile soil provides the country and all its visitors with various fruits and vegetables, as well as a huge amount of spices: ginger, cloves, nutmeg and others. All this is an indispensable component of any dish. And thirdly, the wonderful location of the islands provides residents with an abundance of fish and seafood.

The main type of spices, which is present everywhere from meat dishes to sweet joys, is nutmeg. It is used in sauces and soups, it is obligatory to meat, especially stews, and to certain types of fish. The cooks sprinkle cookies on them, put them in the filling of pies, in sweets and ice cream, in cocktails and a classic egg grog. By the way, this seasoning is put on a table in many restaurants, so that tourists and sophisticated gourmets could simply sprinkle any dish from above. From the well-known in the world of other spices in the kitchen of Grenada you will feel notes of vanilla, all kinds of peppers, cinnamon, ginger and various spicy herbs.

Main national dishes of Grenada

Of course, local people are accustomed to eating everything that grows on the island: breadfruit, colo-sauce, yams, sweet potatoes (sweet potatoes), legumes and much more.

For example, breadfruit in a ground form is part of ordinary bread, flat cakes and other baked goods. And if you mix them with chopped green bananas and add a little spices, you will get a classic local salad. The most famous dish of local cuisine - "oil-down" - is stewed in milk salted meat and breadfruit with saffron and other light spices.

It is necessary to try at least one kind of "callaloo" - this is a whole group of different meat dishes. The highlight is that the dish is cooked in the shell of a mollusc and from it, as a rule, is eaten. In the sink baked various vegetables and spinach, add meat cooked on charcoal, and in the form of a side dish - potatoes, rice or beans. Local residents are very fond of sea urchin eggs and "Staffed Jack" - assorted of several kinds of fish.

Meat on the islands of Grenada is most often cooked on charcoal, the bird is cooked whole or in parts, it is eaten daily in boiled, fried or stewed with simple side dishes. Do not forget about baked crab, shrimp, tortoise soup and even scrambled eggs for breakfast - these dishes are habitually offered with bananas and rice for garnish.

From the unusual, than necessarily pamper yourself gourmets of all countries, try the meat of an iguana (lizard), cooked on a spit, and fried with herbs armadillo - it's just a crown menu of local restaurants.

Desserts and drinks

In the common understanding of the word dessert (cakes, cakes and sweets) on the islands of Grenada among the national dishes you will not meet, but something unusual for the European stomach, but interesting and tasty - in every institution. The basis of most desserts are fruits, of which sweet salads are made or baked and fried. By the way, the flowers of the already familiar breadfruit are candied and served to the table in the form of an unusual and beautiful dessert.

As for drinks, then, of course, in any bar and store you will see a lot of imported wines and different strong drinks. But which islands do not have rum? That's right, no. Local people cook rum themselves, according to old recipes without the use of modern technology, which somewhat limits the volume of production. But rum on Grenada is very famous for its taste, it can be drunk both undiluted and in cocktails.

The most popular and favorite cocktail is the "paintballer", which consists of local rum, coconut milk, pineapple juice and orange with a pinch of nutmeg. From the foamy drinks try the beer "Caribbean", it has a good bright taste and beautiful color.

Any national cuisine carries riddles and surprises. If you personally are not ready for the experiments today, be sure to inform your waiter about this, because even international dishes in large restaurants and hotels can carry a touch of local traditions . But on request you will always be served a classic dish. Bon Appetit!